
Koalicioni i OJQ-ve per Mbrojtjen e Femijeve

Summary of the project

The project aims to strengthen the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in the advancement and maintenance of good governance, participation in policy-making processes, raising and diversifying funds and intensification of advocacy. The project aims also to strengthen and increase accountability in the child protection system through monitoring, advocacy, awareness raising and mobilization of relevant actors.


Project goals

General goal is to improve the situation of children and families in Kosovo. The specific objectives of this project are strengthening the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection and its member organizations, as a key actor for the protection of children’s rights; strengthening and increasing accountability in the child protection system through monitoring, advocacy, awareness raising and mobilization of relevant actors.


Target groups and beneficiaries

The target groups are KOMF member organizations, vulnerable children and families in Kosovo. Decision makers, relevant officials from the central and municipal level, professionals and service providers for children and families in need for social protection.


Main activities

Development of a needs assessment for coalition members and the coalition itself;
Development of a “Capacity Building Program” for coalition members, with modules on good governance, fundraising, development and implementation of internal policies and procedures for child protection, advocacy;
Conducting capacity-building training sessions for members based on the defined areas in the “Capacity Building Program”;
Organizing on-the-job mentoring sessions with member organizations in the four aforementioned areas;
Monitoring the implementation of the Law on Child Protection in key municipalities in Kosovo;
Preparation and publication of the Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Law on Child Protection;
Organizing regional advocacy forums to present and disseminate recommendations from the Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Law on Child Protection;
Collaboration with relevant stakeholders to ensure the adoption and implementation of the recommendations from the Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Law on Child Protection.


The Balkan Forum (The BF)

Summary of the project

The project aims to promote environmental sustainability and mitigate climate change in four municipalities of Kosovo: Ferizaj, Fushë Kosovë, Graçanicë and Mitrovica. Over a period of 12 months, the project aims to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills, resources and networking that will enable young people and students from different social groups to research, explore and test innovative solutions to tackle environmental challenges and the transition to a circular economy.


Project goals

General goal is to improve treatment of environmental challenges and the transition towards a circular economy in Kosovo, through increased involvement and enhanced skills of various interest groups. The specific objectives are a network of 60 young people, social entrepreneurs, policymakers, academics, and NGOs from Kosovo to implement innovative and tailored solutions for climate change, environmental challenges, and the transition towards a circular economy, for the benefit of citizens in 4 municipalities of the country and beyond.


Target groups and beneficiaries

60 young people from different affiliations in 4 municipalities of Kosovo have acquired skills and resources to develop innovative solutions for climate change, environmental challenges and the transition towards a circular economy.
Citizens of the 4 municipalities where the young participants will implement their projects (1 for each of the 4 municipalities) are more aware of their roles and responsibilities regarding the environment and regional economy.
NGOs, businesses, educational institutions and local authorities of 4 municipalities have access to a multidisciplinary network (ToKeQark network) where they can exchange good practices, develop projects together and support youth initiatives.


Main activities

esearch on Innovation and scanning/mapping;
Capacity building, Training and building network of project participants;
Implementation of Youth Initiatives;
Circular Economy Campaigns;
Establishing a scholarship program for innovation, green future and education for peace.



Open Data Kosovo

Summary of the project

The project aims to advance and promote digital knowledge in Kosovo, encompassing central and local governance, CSOs, students, media, and citizens as a whole. The specific objectives include promoting digitalization and enhancing digital capacities for effective local governance through tailored training for municipal officials, building digital skills and awareness among university students for incorporating best practices in digital transformation, strengthening the role of CSOs and media in addressing challenges related to the Digital Agenda through discussions and joint meetings, and monitoring the implementation of the Digital Agenda through an annual report with additional recommendations for e-Governance strategies. The project targets municipal officials, university students, CSOs, media, and citizens as beneficiaries, focusing on increasing awareness, improving capacities, enhancing dialogue, and enhancing students’ digital experience to support the digital transformation in the country.


Project goals

General goal is to advance and promote digital literacy in Kosovo, involving both central and local governance, as well as CSOs, students, media, and the general public. The specific objectives are to promote digitalization and enhance digital capacities for more effective and inclusive local governance through tailored training programs for municipal officials; build digital skills and increase awareness among targeted university students for incorporating best practices related to digital transformation (research on the impact of the pandemic on digitalization and the use of automated systems for education); increase the role of CSOs and media in addressing challenges related to the Digital Agenda (DA) and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at both central and local levels through discussions and joint meetings, and monitor the implementation of the Digital Agenda at the national level by preparing an annual report that provides additional recommendations regarding existing strategies and efforts related to e-Governance.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Municipal Officials, recognizing the need for institutional actors’ involvement in the implementation of the Digital Agenda and the advancement of such skills at the local level, the proposed trainings aim to familiarize these actors with the targeted components of the training; University Students as part of the promotion of digitalization as a process will help students become acquainted with the topics and processes being implemented in the country related to the Digital Agenda and e-services; CSOs and media will have the opportunity to contribute based on their perspectives regarding the promotion of the mentioned topics;  citizens will have the opportunity to closely follow the latest developments regarding the implementation of the Digital Agenda not only in the country but also in their own municipality.


Main activities

Initial phase;
Training for municipal officials;
‘TalkDigital’ meetings;
Research on automated services in universities;
Digital Agenda Observatory;
Closing event.


Network of Peace Movement -NOPM

Summary of the project

The project aims to address three components: increasing the participation of the public in decision-making (consultation, citizen supervision, participatory budgeting); participation of citizens and CSOs in policy-making (harmonization of municipal regulations, work plans), and accountability (supervisory role of the municipal assembly, financial management, provision of services, etc.) as well as propose corrective actions for increasing participation, financial management and accountability for which targeted municipalities have had setbacks and unsatisfactory results in recent years.


Project goals

General goal is to raise awareness, empower, and increase active participation of citizens and CSOs in decision-making processes for the improvement of local governance and policy-making in the development of local policies. The specific objectives are to raise awareness and empower citizens and CSOs regarding effective participation in decision-making processes, policy-making, accountability, and transparency, and to  harmonize and adopt municipal regulations in accordance with the current legislation, in collaboration between civil society and municipal officials.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Citizens, including women and youth groups, minority communities, local authorities, and local councils/village councils, will be the beneficiaries of the project. The project aims to empower citizens by increasing their awareness and active participation in decision-making processes, policy development, and local governance. Women and youth groups will receive particular attention to ensure their inclusion and representation. Minority communities will have their needs and concerns addressed, promoting inclusivity and equal participation. Local authorities will benefit from improved transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making, enhancing their governance practices. Local councils and village councils will have an increased role in decision-making and improved engagement in local governance processes, fostering a participatory environment.


Main activities

Organize dynamic workshops in each municipality, empowering citizens to actively engage in decision-making processes and contribute to policy development;
Initiate and revise six municipal regulations (two per municipality) while facilitating six lively public debates and consultations to foster meaningful dialogue with citizens;
Conduct five productive meetings in each municipality with local councils and village councils, identifying community needs and effectively addressing concerns of local groups;
Facilitate the distribution of 200 Citizen Investment Kits in each municipality, empowering citizens to actively participate in capital investment planning;
Organize two influential meetings in each municipality, engaging local decision-makers from the executive and legislative branches to convert identified needs into concrete proposals;
Foster inclusive and productive roundtable discussions in each municipality, allowing village councils to tackle challenges and assume responsibilities effectively;
Promote transparency and public engagement through the organization of three interactive budget hearings in each municipality, in collaboration with the budget and finance department;
Deliver impactful training sessions in schools across each municipality, equipping the public with essential knowledge on decision-making and policy-making participation;
Conduct focused advocacy meetings, emphasizing increased public participation, policy-making involvement, and active engagement of CSOs in municipal processes;
Create a compelling video spot, showcasing the importance of public participation and the invaluable contributions of CSOs in shaping decision-making processes
Foster learning through workshops in three municipalities, comprehensively covering external auditor reports, internal reports, annual financial statements, recommendations, and financial obligations;
Conduct a high-impact workshop, enlightening municipal assembly members and the policy and finance committee on their oversight role towards the executive branch;
Enhance the capacities of municipal departments through tailored capacity-building activities, empowering them to develop and implement annual work plans while establishing robust reporting mechanisms.


Kosovo Local Government Institute

Summary of the project

The project aims to employ an integrated approach to intervention in four dimensions: i. empowering the capacities of CSOs for community initiatives; ii. strengthening the role and advancing the tools and practices for civil society to act as articulators and interlocutors between local communities and municipalities; iii. networking and providing thematic and professional support from the KLGI, serving as an “incubator of ideas and initiatives” between municipalities and local CSOs; iv. exchanging practices and regional models. The project is a new approach that aims to improve the municipal environment of collaboration among representative groups, local communities, and municipalities through an active role of CSOs.


Project goals

General goal is to strengthen local governance by advancing inter- institutional dialogue and policies, enhancing capacities, increasing the role of civil society, promoting digitization and innovation, and strengthening regional cooperation. The specific objectives are strengthening the capacities of local CSOs for the development of community initiatives;
increasing the participation and contribution of citizens and local communities in policy-making through the facilitation of CSOs; inclusion in the KLGI platform (incubator) for thematic support to CSOs in co-creating local policies; regional partnership of CSOs in creating networks, sharing practices, and models.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Eight Municipalities, one  local CSO with twenty-four members, three representative groups with seventy-two participants/social activists and twenty-four institutional representatives/municipal mechanisms.


Main activities

Advanced modular trainings for CSOs;
Engagement of CSOs in local communities (underrepresented groups) and local institutions (facilitation);
Thematic and professional support platform (KLGI platform);
Building a network for experience sharing and model adaptation.


Kosova Education Center (KEC)

Summary of the project

The project aims to enhance media literacy and combat misinformation in Kosovo through a comprehensive educational initiative. The main objectives include integrating media education into school curricula, establishing partnerships with media organizations and fact-checking platforms, and raising awareness about the importance of critical thinking and digital media literacy. By equipping citizens, especially students, with the skills to critically analyze information and identify false narratives, the project seeks to promote a more informed society that can effectively navigate the digital landscape and make informed decisions based on reliable sources.


Project goals

General goal is to empower youth, families, and communities to identify and address the risks arising from the internet and contribute to social digital transformation. Specific objectives are tp develop capacity building of young people from higher secondary schools through the provision of training, establishment of partnerships between schools, civic engagement, and community service piloting.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Youth – who will be supported through trainings;
Schools – which will be supported for the creation of Media Clubs;
The families of beneficiaries – who will be involved in the activities of the Media Clubs;
Community – which will be supported and involved through training sessions, to enhance the capacities of adults (teachers, parents, pensioners), in recognizing and addressing the risks that arise from the Internet and to contribute to the social digital transformation.


Main activities

Selection of partner schools for the project;
Signing of Memorandums of Understanding with schools and establishment of Media Clubs in schools;
Preparation and delivery of training packages for the Media Clubs;
Planning and implementation of activities in schools by the Media Clubs;
Establishment of the non-formal Network of Media Clubs “Youth for Digitalization” from partner schools;
Publication of best practices on official communication channels of partner schools;
Development and implementation of a Plan to provide support to families and the community by the Media Clubs, based on the “community service” methodology;
Organization of training sessions through “door-to-door” visits for families;
Organization of awareness campaigns on digital social transformation;
Compilation of best practices and their presentation through the project’s closing event.



Summary of the project

This project aims to addresses the under-representation of diaspora communities in policy-making processes in Kosovo and aims to enhance the capacity of policy-making institutions while fostering effective partnerships. By engaging diaspora professionals and strengthening collaborations between the diaspora, government, and policy-making institutions, the project seeks to develop innovative, sustainable, and inclusive policies that address the complex challenges faced by Kosovo and its diaspora. The project’s outcomes include changes in stakeholders’ thinking, actions, and capacities, leading to enduring change in policy development, engagement, and implementation.


Project goals

General goal is to enhance policy-making processes in Kosovo through the optimization of contributions from the diaspora. Specific objectives are to improve the representation of diaspora communities in the policy-making processes by promoting the inclusion of their perspectives and expertise in policy development in Kosovo; enhance the capacity of political institutions in Kosovo by leveraging the skills and knowledge of diaspora professionals. By providing research, policy formulation, and networking expertise, the project aims to contribute to the development of effective policies that can promote sustainable socio-economic growth in Kosovo, and to strengthen partnerships between the diaspora community, government, and political institutions, encouraging innovation and promoting gender equality, equal opportunities, and the inclusion of individuals from marginalized groups.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Diaspora communities abroad are the primary beneficiaries of the project. They will be actively involved and consulted to address their needs and interests.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora benefits from valuable advice and assessments. The project aims to influence government policies and practices regarding diaspora engagement.
The Kosovo Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora has a direct responsibility for the project’s topics. The project supports their work through research and policy support.
Civil society organizations are important stakeholders, facilitating diaspora engagement. The project fosters collaboration between civil society, diaspora communities, and public entities.
Field experts provide valuable perspectives and knowledge, contributing to the project’s objectives through virtual meetings and discussions. Marginalized groups within diaspora communities, such as women and underrepresented individuals, are prioritized for inclusion and representation.
Government authorities, including the parliament and relevant ministries, play a vital role. The project advocates for the needs of diaspora communities and aims to impact government policies and practices regarding diaspora engagement.


Main activities

Diaspora needs analysis and problem identification
– 6 public discussions “Agora” in diaspora communities
– Establishment of a diaspora advisory group
– Virtual meetings and thematic discussions
– Preparation of short policy briefs
– Engagement of diaspora professionals
– Advocacy meetings with responsible institutions
– Creation of an oversight mechanism
– Development of an online information campaign final conference



Summary of the project

The project aims to promote dialogue and collaboration among young people from diverse communities in Kosovo. The project’s main aim is to encourage dialogue, cultural diversity, and intercultural knowledge, contributing to social cohesion, peace, and reconciliation. Through three extended intercultural camps, participants engage in discussions, research-based workshops, and idea exchange. They create audio-visual products addressing the camp’s topics, fostering connections and understanding between communities. The materials culminate in a digital exhibition at DokuFest, with additional presentations across Kosovo.


Project goals

General goal is to promote reconciliation and intercultural understanding among young people in Kosovo through the establishment of a sustainable platform based on mutual respect and understanding, aiming to raise awareness among youth in addressing media-driven prejudice and negative narratives. Specific objectives are to develop a resource center providing access to information and resources on diverse cultures while promoting cultural understanding;
raise youth awareness to critically evaluate media and audiovisual narratives, with a particular focus on addressing the past, tolerance, and hate speech that leads to violent behavior, enhancing their immunity to ethnocentric media narratives.


Target groups and beneficiaries

In addition to the targeted original group aged 18-25, the final beneficiaries of the project will be the entire society and the wider circle of project participants, as we strongly believe that their positive experience with fellow participants from all communities in Kosovo will change their perceptions of communities for the better.


Main activities

Intercultural Camps “Stories We Tell”;
Development of 1-2 minute video portraits of project participants;
Development of video interviews with participants;
30-minute omnibus film.


Balkan Green Foundation

Summary of the project

The project aims to focus on the challenges faced by Kosovo in dealing with the impacts of climate change, by accelerating the decarbonization process in sectors related to security and regional stability. The project aims to provide a comprehensive approach both in drafting policies relevant to the decarbonization process and in providing discussion platforms on how this process will positively affect the reduction of the impact of climate change in Kosovo.


Project goals

General goal is to reduce the impact of climate change, especially in key sectors related to security and stability across the region, through the decarbonization process.
The specific objectives are to support government institutions in drafting sectoral policies in accordance with EU standards; provide inclusive platforms for discussion among key actors in order to influence environmental and climate policies and to raise citizens’ awareness of the impact of climate change on regional security and stability.


Target groups and beneficiaries

The general population, with a special emphasis on women and communities most affected by the impacts of climate change;
Public institutions, increasing communication between these institutions and offer a multidimensional approach to reducing the impacts of climate change;
Businesses, involve the private sector in discussions about the future of climate change and concrete steps that would help reduce these impacts and possible benefits for them from the transformation.
Media, developing a digital awareness campaign and multiple media appearances to offer accurate, reliable and comprehensively information for the public.


Main activities

Developing stakeholder mapping;
Organize one workshop with the working group for the development of the National Energy and Climate Plan 2025-2030;
Conduct analysis with recommendations for key sectors for national security and stability in the region;
Organize the conference and discussion panel;
Developing digital awareness campaign.


Center for Gender Justice-Trainings

In cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana, the Center for Gender Justice organised today the training “Improving the response of the Municipality of Tirana to successfully address the cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence”, during which 18 employees of the Administrative Units were trained about:
• implementation of legal changes of the law “On measures against violence in family relationships”;
• identification of risk factors that affect the safety, life and health of women and girls, victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence.
• case management, referral and monitoring.
The participants had a long discussion about the difficulties in implementing the legislation in practice, which is also the main concern for many service providers. For this, good practices for successful case management were shared.
The training was conducted in support of the Local Action Plan for Gender Equality 2022-2024 of the Municipality of Tirana, where the fourth pillar is dedicated to increasing the level of security, protection and efficiency of the multi-sectoral approach for women and girls, including empowerment of coordinated multi-sectoral approaches against domestic violence and gender-based violence. In this framework, it is also foreseen to strengthen the capacities of the employees of the Administrative Units to adequately address cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence.