Creative Box grants

Creative Box grants are intended for legal entities (associations or foundations) and informal groups.

Projects supported through this call will create different creative products to share the key messages of the projects, related to the areas of security and stability and governance, to citizens.

Creative products should be easily understood by the target population, preferably (but not necessarily) using humor/satire. Eligible activities include the production of creative products (eg theatrical performances, interactive art performances, videos, songs, events and all other forms of creative expression that are not considered primary media products) as well as the promotion of the created creative content (excluding printed promotional material).

The expected duration of the supported projects is from 6 to 12 months, and the total amount that will be allocated through this line of grants is 3,894,000.00 NOK.

Public calls for Creative box grants are open for applicants during December each year. The total amount of funds available for Bosnia and Herzegovina is 653,983,2 NOK of which 296,020.32 NOK has been allocated so far.

Closed public calls: First public call

First public call

Name of the organizationProject tittleArea of work Grant value (NOK)Start date-End date Related links

Centar za zastupanje građanskih interesa (CPI)

CPI Radio DramaGovernance91.568.4601.06.2023-01.04.2024

Web site

More info

Zdravo da ste

Change recordSecurity and Stability103.687,08


(No cost extension until 31.07.2023.)

Web site

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