In cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana, the Center for Gender Justice organised today the training “Improving the response of the Municipality of Tirana to successfully address the cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence”, during which 18 employees of the Administrative Units were trained about:
• implementation of legal changes of the law “On measures against violence in family relationships”;
• identification of risk factors that affect the safety, life and health of women and girls, victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence.
• case management, referral and monitoring.
The participants had a long discussion about the difficulties in implementing the legislation in practice, which is also the main concern for many service providers. For this, good practices for successful case management were shared.
The training was conducted in support of the Local Action Plan for Gender Equality 2022-2024 of the Municipality of Tirana, where the fourth pillar is dedicated to increasing the level of security, protection and efficiency of the multi-sectoral approach for women and girls, including empowerment of coordinated multi-sectoral approaches against domestic violence and gender-based violence. In this framework, it is also foreseen to strengthen the capacities of the employees of the Administrative Units to adequately address cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence.