Local initiatives
Grants for Local Initiatives are a mechanism for financing local projects related to security and stability and governance.
Projects funded under the Local Initiatives grant scheme should be based on relevant strategies and/or policies, contributing to their goals.
Eligible activities are small-scale advocacy campaigns that include promotional and awareness-raising materials (e.g., policy brief, research, video, event, performance, media products, engagement of influencers, excluding printed promotional material) and working groups for the establishment of mechanisms and/or development of local action plans, local and/or cantonal strategies, procedures and the like in which experts are engaged.
The expected duration of the supported initiatives is from 6 to 12 months, and the total amount that will be allocated through this grant line is 11,970,210.00 NOK.
First public call
Name of the organization | Project tittle | Area of work | Grant value (NOK) | Start date-End date | Related links |
Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture | Promoting the Rights and Roles of Citizens through Disaster Risk Reduction | Security and Stability | 70,380.00 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.11.2023 | |
THE BALKAN FORUM | Media Smart: Youth Stand Against False Information | Governance | 78,101.24 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.11.2023 | |
Community Building Mitrovica | Youth Seminar on Combating Human Trafficking | Security and Stability, Governance | 79,705.78 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.11.2023 | |
Green Art Center | Media literacy as a guarantee of peace, safety, and social cohesion | Security and Stability | 66,021.20 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.11.2023 | |
Sundimi Demokracisë në Kosovë | Joint engagement for youth policies in the municipality of Podujevo | Governance | 68,555.76 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.03.2024 | |
Udruzennje mladih - Mlada aktivna Gracanica | Act locally - cooperate regionally | Security and Stability and Governance | 79,502.47 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.11.2023 | |
Proactive | Active Involvement of Youth in Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Local Governance | Governance | 77,672.00 NOK | 01.05.2023-01.03.2024 |