

Summary of the project

This project aims to addresses the under-representation of diaspora communities in policy-making processes in Kosovo and aims to enhance the capacity of policy-making institutions while fostering effective partnerships. By engaging diaspora professionals and strengthening collaborations between the diaspora, government, and policy-making institutions, the project seeks to develop innovative, sustainable, and inclusive policies that address the complex challenges faced by Kosovo and its diaspora. The project’s outcomes include changes in stakeholders’ thinking, actions, and capacities, leading to enduring change in policy development, engagement, and implementation.


Project goals

General goal is to enhance policy-making processes in Kosovo through the optimization of contributions from the diaspora. Specific objectives are to improve the representation of diaspora communities in the policy-making processes by promoting the inclusion of their perspectives and expertise in policy development in Kosovo; enhance the capacity of political institutions in Kosovo by leveraging the skills and knowledge of diaspora professionals. By providing research, policy formulation, and networking expertise, the project aims to contribute to the development of effective policies that can promote sustainable socio-economic growth in Kosovo, and to strengthen partnerships between the diaspora community, government, and political institutions, encouraging innovation and promoting gender equality, equal opportunities, and the inclusion of individuals from marginalized groups.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Diaspora communities abroad are the primary beneficiaries of the project. They will be actively involved and consulted to address their needs and interests.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora benefits from valuable advice and assessments. The project aims to influence government policies and practices regarding diaspora engagement.
The Kosovo Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora has a direct responsibility for the project’s topics. The project supports their work through research and policy support.
Civil society organizations are important stakeholders, facilitating diaspora engagement. The project fosters collaboration between civil society, diaspora communities, and public entities.
Field experts provide valuable perspectives and knowledge, contributing to the project’s objectives through virtual meetings and discussions. Marginalized groups within diaspora communities, such as women and underrepresented individuals, are prioritized for inclusion and representation.
Government authorities, including the parliament and relevant ministries, play a vital role. The project advocates for the needs of diaspora communities and aims to impact government policies and practices regarding diaspora engagement.


Main activities

Diaspora needs analysis and problem identification
– 6 public discussions “Agora” in diaspora communities
– Establishment of a diaspora advisory group
– Virtual meetings and thematic discussions
– Preparation of short policy briefs
– Engagement of diaspora professionals
– Advocacy meetings with responsible institutions
– Creation of an oversight mechanism
– Development of an online information campaign final conference