
Open Data Kosovo

Summary of the project

The project aims to advance and promote digital knowledge in Kosovo, encompassing central and local governance, CSOs, students, media, and citizens as a whole. The specific objectives include promoting digitalization and enhancing digital capacities for effective local governance through tailored training for municipal officials, building digital skills and awareness among university students for incorporating best practices in digital transformation, strengthening the role of CSOs and media in addressing challenges related to the Digital Agenda through discussions and joint meetings, and monitoring the implementation of the Digital Agenda through an annual report with additional recommendations for e-Governance strategies. The project targets municipal officials, university students, CSOs, media, and citizens as beneficiaries, focusing on increasing awareness, improving capacities, enhancing dialogue, and enhancing students’ digital experience to support the digital transformation in the country.


Project goals

General goal is to advance and promote digital literacy in Kosovo, involving both central and local governance, as well as CSOs, students, media, and the general public. The specific objectives are to promote digitalization and enhance digital capacities for more effective and inclusive local governance through tailored training programs for municipal officials; build digital skills and increase awareness among targeted university students for incorporating best practices related to digital transformation (research on the impact of the pandemic on digitalization and the use of automated systems for education); increase the role of CSOs and media in addressing challenges related to the Digital Agenda (DA) and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at both central and local levels through discussions and joint meetings, and monitor the implementation of the Digital Agenda at the national level by preparing an annual report that provides additional recommendations regarding existing strategies and efforts related to e-Governance.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Municipal Officials, recognizing the need for institutional actors’ involvement in the implementation of the Digital Agenda and the advancement of such skills at the local level, the proposed trainings aim to familiarize these actors with the targeted components of the training; University Students as part of the promotion of digitalization as a process will help students become acquainted with the topics and processes being implemented in the country related to the Digital Agenda and e-services; CSOs and media will have the opportunity to contribute based on their perspectives regarding the promotion of the mentioned topics;  citizens will have the opportunity to closely follow the latest developments regarding the implementation of the Digital Agenda not only in the country but also in their own municipality.


Main activities

Initial phase;
Training for municipal officials;
‘TalkDigital’ meetings;
Research on automated services in universities;
Digital Agenda Observatory;
Closing event.