Grantees News Bosnia and Herzegovina CORE grant From the darkness of violence to a new beginning CORE grant There is only one path to health: effective prevention! Children and young people need real role models and systemic solutions, not patching holes Besjede On Education – Detailed and Diverse NATIONAL INTERVENTIONS VI Conference of the Nature Protection Network: A New Spider Species Discovered on Ozren CENER 21 Education for sustainability: The role of green skills in the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina MRESVU Why Empowering Youth is Crucial for a Better Future? CORE grant Publication: “(In)equality of the sexes on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla – Elections 2020 and 2024” CENER 21 The path to energy security: The role of smart grids and prosumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina FEA Fire Prevention: Interactive GIS Map as a key tool for BiH forests! « Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 »
CORE grant There is only one path to health: effective prevention! Children and young people need real role models and systemic solutions, not patching holes
NATIONAL INTERVENTIONS VI Conference of the Nature Protection Network: A New Spider Species Discovered on Ozren
CENER 21 Education for sustainability: The role of green skills in the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
CORE grant Publication: “(In)equality of the sexes on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla – Elections 2020 and 2024”
CENER 21 The path to energy security: The role of smart grids and prosumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina