Local initiatives

Grants for Local Initiatives are a mechanism for financing local projects related to security and stability and governance.

Projects funded under the Local Initiatives grant scheme should be based on relevant strategies and/or policies, contributing to their goals.

Eligible activities are small-scale advocacy campaigns that include promotional and awareness-raising materials (e.g., policy brief, research, video, event, performance, media products, engagement of influencers, excluding printed promotional material) and working groups for the establishment of mechanisms and/or development of local action plans, local and/or cantonal strategies, procedures and the like in which experts are engaged.

The expected duration of the supported initiatives is from 6 to 12 months, and the total amount that will be allocated through this grant line is 11,970,210.00 NOK.

First public call

First public call

Name of the organizationProject tittleArea of work Grant value (NOK)Start date-End date Related links
Advocacy Center for Democratic CulturePromovisanje prava i uloge gra?ana kroz smanjenje rizika od prirodnih nepogodaSecurity and Stability70,38001.05.2023-01.11.2023


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THE BALKAN FORUMMedia Smart: Të rinjtë vlogojnë kundër informacionit të rremëGovernance78,101.2401.05.2023-01.11.2023


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Community Building MitrovicaSeminari Rinor për Luftimin e Trafikimit të Qenieve NjerëzoreSecurity and Stability79,709.1401.05.2023-01.11.2023


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Green Art Center - PrishtinaEdukimi mediatik si garancë e paqes, sigurisë dhe kohezionit socialSecurity and Stability66,021.2001.05.2023-01.11.2023


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Sundimi Demokracisë në Kosovë“Angazhim i përbashkët për politika rinore në komunën e Podujevës”Governance68,555.7601.05.2023-01.03.2024


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Udruzennje mladih - Mlada aktivna Gracanica“Deluj lokalno - sara?uj regionalno“Security and Stability and Governance79,502.4701.05.2023-01.11.2023


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ProactivePërfshirja aktive e të rinjve në rritjen e transparencës dhe llogaridhënies në qeverisjen vendoreGovernance77,058.8001.05.2023-01.03.2024


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