
Udruzennje mladih – Mlada aktivna Gracanica

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the problem of illegal dumping sites in central municipalities of Kosovo. It seeks to mitigate the negative effects of these sites on the local community and the environment by raising awareness among citizens about environmental preservation and encouraging their active involvement in resolving the issue. The project intends to achieve its goals through awareness campaigns, education on sustainable waste management, and citizen participation in waste collection and reporting. It also recognizes the impact of climate change on the environment and social cohesion. The project primarily focuses on municipalities like Gračanica, Kosovo Polje, Obilić, and Pristina, where illegal dumping has significant consequences.


The goal of the project is to reduce illegal dumping sites, raise awareness about sustainable waste management, and promote collaboration among communities. It involves engaging influencers, civil society organizations, and public institutions in awareness campaigns and organizing discussions, workshops, and debates.  preservation.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Citizens of municipalities;

Civil society organizations;

Public institutions;

Youth from different ethnic communities.


Main activities

Promotional campaign;

Organization of roundtable discussions and debates.


Sundimi i Demokracise ne Kosove

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the issues of weak youth participation in local decision-making processes. Despite slow progress, municipalities have not developed sustainable youth mechanisms and have not involved young people in the development and implementation of policies for them. There continues to be a gap between dedicated youth structures and financial resources and the planning of activities in collaboration with young people. This project aims to use the “Community Scorecard” model to engage youth structures and municipal authorities in meaningful dialogue and to contribute to the development of better youth policies at the local level.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to involve relevant stakeholders at the local level, utilizing the “Community Scorecard” model, such as municipal authorities, civil society organizations, youth clubs, student councils, students, and others, in the assessment and development of local youth policies.


Target groups and beneficiaries

The youth from the Municipality of Podujevo, including youth organizations and various youth clubs, as well as the municipal authorities, specifically the youth sector.

Main activities

Sensitization and mobilization of stakeholders for participation in the “Community Scorecard”;

Initiation workshop for the “Community Scorecard”;

Formation of focus groups with young people and municipal authorities;

Conducting initial meetings with Youth Focus Groups;

Conducting the first meeting with the Municipal Authorities’ Focus Group;

Researching findings from the initial focus groups;

Identification of issues/indicators and preparation of Evaluation Matrices;

Conducting second meetings with youth focus groups and municipal authorities;

Processing the evaluations from the focus groups (drawing the final score);

Interface Meeting;

Action Plan development workshop;

Finalization of the Youth Action Plan.


Green Art Center- Prishtina

Summary of the project

The project aims to educate society in the field of media as a guarantee for preserving peace, preventing threats to security, and enhancing social cohesion, taking into account media challenges such as disinformation and propaganda. In the context of the Municipality of Obiliq, a multi-ethnic municipality in Kosovo, the project aims to address the impact of disinformation on interethnic harmony and security.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to provide information and develop the media competencies of young people, addressing the challenges of disinformation as threats to security, peace, and social cohesion. Additionally, the project includes the distribution of educational and awareness-raising materials such as videos to the residents of the Municipality of Obiliq.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Individuals aged 16 and above;

Students of political science, journalism, and mass communication.


Main activities

Informing municipal officials, Youth Centers, and NGOs operating in the Municipality of Obiliq;

Announcing the public call for participation in the project and selection process;

Organizing 2 focus groups;

Conducting a workshop on media education;

Panel discussion on the impact of disinformation as a threat to security and peace in the Municipality of Obiliq, involving participants, the mayor, journalists, police officials, and representatives from KFOR and EULEX;

Workshop for creating videos with educational and awareness-raising content on the importance of media education;

Development of an online brochure on the importance of media education;

Displaying videos on municipal websites, media platforms, and organization’s platforms;

Distributing brochures to primary and secondary schools in the Municipality of Obiliq;

Closing meeting.


NGO Community Building Mitrovica – C.B.M

Summary of the project

The project aims to educate children in Kosovo about human trafficking, based on data on the current situation in the country, and to increase awareness among young generations, particularly in the Mitrovica region, where the ethnic composition of the groups tends to make them more vulnerable to traffickers. Reports indicate that the majority of victims are women and vulnerable communities, such as Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities.


Project goals

The goal of the project is to enhance regional response to human trafficking and efforts to combat it, as well as to increase awareness among young people about the risks and realities of human trafficking. This will be achieved through the implementation of a curriculum against human trafficking in schools in the Mitrovica region of Kosovo and the development of workshops.


Target groups and beneficiaries

Youth of Kosovo.

Main activities

Workshops on Civic Education for Youth;

Measures against Human Trafficking for Municipal Officials and Law Enforcement Agencies;

Final Report and Educational Materials.



Summary of the project

The project aims to address the growing threats of misinformation in modern society, raise awareness among citizens, particularly young people, about identifying false information, promote collaboration among civil society organizations, media, government, and other actors to combat disinformation and ensure the spread of reliable and accurate information. The project aims to protect security and stability in Kosovo and the Western Balkans by preventing political and ethnic tensions caused by false narratives, building trust in institutions and media, and improving decision-making skills and mental well-being of citizens, especially young people.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to empower young people to become true agents of change.

Target groups and beneficiaries

20 young people, aged 18-25;

200 young people from universities/organizations/youth centers;

Communities around young people and the general audience.

Identification of universities/organizations/youth centers and selection of 20 future ‘Media Smart Ambassadors’;


Main activities

Identification of existing knowledge on misinformation;

One-day media literacy training and visit to media outlets;

One-day workshop, group division, and mentoring;

Production of vlogs;

Increasing awareness among universities/organizations/youth centers;

Final event for vlog presentation;

Promotion and advocacy for the need to invest in media literacy education


Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the challenges of natural disasters in Kosovo, particularly in North Mitrovica. It emphasizes the need for a systematic approach and the involvement of all sectors of society to effectively respond to and reduce the causes of disasters. The project will establish an awareness-raising team, organize focus groups and capacity development workshops, implement a public campaign, hold meetings with local institutions, and develop a local plan for disaster risk reduction. By promoting collaboration and awareness, the project seeks to enhance preparedness and resilience while fostering sustainable partnerships for long-term impact and replication of results across the region.

The goal of the project is to raise awareness of disaster risks, climate change, and promote social cohesion among community members to ensure long-term results and improve the influence on decision-making processes.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Community members in North Mitrovica;

Non-governmental organizations;

Local institutions and decision-makers:

Representatives for climate change;

Women and marginalized populations.


Main activities

Establishment of an awareness-raising team for natural disaster risk reduction;

Organization of 4 focus groups for the disaster risk reduction team;

Conducting capacity development workshops;

Development and implementation of a public campaign;

Arranging meetings with representatives of local institutions;

Creation of a local plan for natural disaster risk reduction.


Kosovo Glocal

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the challenges and shortcomings in the media landscape of Kosovo and the Western Balkans by ensuring financial and editorial independence to produce high-quality media content and critical analysis of important issues. The objective is to challenge the dominance of political and economic interests in editorial policies, ensuring journalism with public interest and independence, and engaging citizens beyond linguistic and ethnic divisions in a process of information exchange and collective understanding.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to stimulate active citizenship and critical thinking in Kosovo and the Western Balkans by supporting independent journalistic productions that combat misinformation, promote human rights, and human security. The project seeks to enhance cross-border discussions and increase citizens’ awareness of key issues related to human security and local and regional governance.

Target groups and beneficiaries

  • The youth;
  • Women;
  • Ethnic minorities;
  • Journalists;
  • Politicians;
  • Activists and citizens.

Main activities

Opinion and in-depth articles; Social media-oriented multimedia productions;



Kosovo Glocal: Dubrovnik vs Tourism – SMART Balkans 

Kosovo Glocal: The resort to resorts – SMART Balkans

Kosovo Glocal: The real people behind Vučić’s army of bots 

Kosovo Glocal: Back to the beginning of the millennium

Kosovo Glocal: We’ll write our own history 

Kosovo Glocal: From climate change to climate crisis 

Kosovo Glocal: Today’s children dream in English 

Kosovo Glocal: Fighting loneliness in old age 

Kosovo Glocal: They say “I DO” in Montenegro, and then leave the country

Kosovo Glocal: Doruntina Basha: in Kosovo, placing a woman in the center of a story is a political act 

Kosovo Glocal, Mario Banushi: There are some feelings you can’t convey with a lot of words 

Kosovo Glocal: Forgotten songs of the Zadar Arbanasi 

Kosovo Glocal: Ani Gjika: If I don’t write this, who will?

Kosovo Glocal: My father returns to Germany 

Kosovo Glocal: Filigree in Prizren

Kosovo Glocal: Does the EU growth plan provide anything new for western Balkan countries? 

Kosovo Glocal “Getting by in Gorazdevac” – SMART Balkans (smartbalkansproject.org)


Gorazdevac Media Group (GMG)

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the challenges in the media sector of Kosovo, as highlighted by reports from the EU and Freedom House. The current media environment in Kosovo is characterized by political pressure, intimidation of journalists, and biased reporting that fuels divisions. Additionally, minority media in the Serbian language face obstacles in maintaining independence and competitiveness. The project aims to strengthen independent media and media literacy by promoting ethical journalism, supporting Serbian-language media, enhancing media literacy skills, and fostering critical thinking among young people. Ultimately, the project seeks to contribute to a more informed and democratic society in Kosovo.

Project goals

The goal of the project is strengthening credible sources of information through increased audience and citizen engagement (participatory journalism) in combating fake news and disinformation within the Serbian community in Kosovo.

Target groups and beneficiaries

  • Media professionals and organizations;
  • Serbian community in Kosovo;
  • Young people;
  • Civil society organizations;
  • Marginalized populations


Anamari Repic: Education is crucial in preventing the spread of false information

Berzat Berzati: Fake news and disinformation pose an increasing challenge in Kosovo

Security in the municipality: Citizens, institutions, and NGOs give different assessments

Ana Cup: The key thing in recognizing fake news is careful consideration of information sources

Peja: Fewer illegal landfills than in previous years

Hendikos Peja: We strive for equality for children, inclusiveness in schools, and other services

Tamara Petrovic: We need to verify the news from multiple sources

A small number of women choose to accept a portion of the inheritance

Politicians share the media, journalists share the truth

The environmental situation is better than before, but there are still problems

“Corruption in Kosovo is part of national folklore”

You can’t live without the Internet today, it’s hard to protect your privacy

Katarina Marinkovic: False information in sensitive and crisis areas is very dangerous

Competitions and public invitations in institutions are characterized by young people as non-transparent

Ilir Gashi: The source of fake news is actually sources of power

Returnee villages remain without inhabitants, young people leave because there is no work



Albania FOKUS

Summary of the project

The project aims to establish a mobile artistic residency for photographs from Albania and the region, including photojournalists and press photographers. Through this residency, the goal is to create a conducive learning environment and facilitate cultural and professional exchange among photographers. The projects developed by the photographers will be showcased in a collective exhibition at the end of the residency, seeking to portray the complex reality of the region and combat public misinformation by authenticating reality according to their ethics and conscience.

Project goals

The main objective is to promote the photography of contemporary social and historical reality in a narrative-oriented manner, combating misinformation and authenticating reality according to the ethics and conscience of the photographers. At the end of the “Pressura Residency,” the projects will be showcased in a collective exhibition in several cities.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Media photographers;



Exhibition audience;


Local and central government.

Main activities

Project Meetings;

Artists Meeting;



Qendra “Tirana Art”

Summary of the project

The project aims to raise awareness and educate the public about violence against women and girls through theatrical performances, with the goal of breaking the silence and destigmatizing victims of violence, engaging boys and men in violence prevention, encouraging women and girls to report potential cases of violence, promoting human rights through art, and reducing gender stereotypes and prejudices. The project addresses inequality and violence against women and girls by identifying roots in patriarchal traditions and norms, as well as intergenerational control within families. The objective is to influence public awareness, increase reporting, reduce cases of domestic violence, particularly against women and girls, and promote social change through art and theatrical performances.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to raise awareness, sensitize, and educate the public about violence against women and girls through art (theatrical performances). Furthermore, its emphasis is on breaking the silence and destigmatizing women and girls who are victims of violence, challenging prejudices, stigmatization, and taboos associated with them, involving and engaging boys and men in violence prevention, encouraging women and girls to report any potential case of violence, promoting human rights through art, and reducing gender stereotypes and prejudices.

Target groups and beneficiaries

The group of young people (14-25 years old);

Boys and men;

Representatives of public local institutions and law enforcement.

Main activities

Preparatory work;

Performance “Brekët” in Tirana;

Performance “Brekët” in Korça;

Performance “Brekët” in Shkodra;

Performance “Brekët” in Durrës.