“Fokus” Center
Project Title: Raising Awareness and Providing Assistance for Addressing Mental Health Issues in the Bathore Area Project Duration: July 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024 Project Location: Bathore (Tirana) Project Objectives: - To ...
Project Title: Raising Awareness and Providing Assistance for Addressing Mental Health Issues in the Bathore Area Project Duration: July 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024 Project Location: Bathore (Tirana) Project Objectives: - To ...
Project Title: Support for People with Disabilities to Enjoy Full Rights to Social Services in the City of Vlora Project Duration: July 1, 2024, to August 31, 2024 Project Location: Vlora Project Objectives: To ensure the planning and design ...
While the numerical representation of women in municipal councils has notably increased since 2015, questions arise about whether this increase corresponds to a genuine empowerment of women within the councils and an enhancement in the quality of local go ...
The National Digital Rights Festival brought together 15 new ambassadors of digital rights and cybersecurity in Tirana to discuss with senior representatives of independent institutions in charge of personal data protection, cybersecurity, and protection ...
The SMART Balkans team continued with the monitoring visits in Albania, this time at the premises of our cooperating partner Qëndresa Qytetare. The objective of this meeting was to find out more about the established community center and provide ta ...
Autor: Ermal Spahiu Lufta kundër korrupsionit dhe krimit të organizuar ka qenë kushti i përhershëm dhe më i rëndësishëm i Brukselit për Shqipërinë në procesin e anëtarësimit në Bashkimin Evropian. Raportet e KE-së e kanë renditur vazhdimisht Shqipërinë ...
Autor: Bardhi Sejdarasi Editor: Luljeta Progni Integrimi i Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Europian vlerësohet si një rrugë pa kthim. Përfitimet dhe humbjet nga ky integrim përbëjnë gjithnjë debatin e hapur të procesit të integrimit europian. Pavarësish ...
In every society, the behavior of parents and adults towards children is determined by the laws in force, the prevailing moral code of society, as well as the norms of behavior that society respects. The number of children who got a Protection Order as ...
The social workers of administrative units play a crucial role in preventing gender-based domestic violence, minimizing its consequences, and preventing cases of femicide in the country. Due to their daily interaction with the community, social service ...
Our cooperating partner ANAD through the project “Imagine Yourself in the Local government " aims to educate and inform young individuals who have hearing impairments about local government institutions, their responsibilities, and services through access ...
Centar za promociju civilnog društva
Marka Marulića 2/III
71000 Sarajevo, BiH
Tel: +387 33 644 810
IDM - The Institute for Democracy and Mediation Albania
Rr. Shenasi Dishnica, Nd. 35, H. 1
1017, Tirana, Albania,
P.O.Box 8177
Tel: +355 4 240 0241
CRPM - Center for Research and Policy Making
Cico Popovikj 6-2/9
1000 Skopje, N. Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3109 932