
ASTRA-Anti trafficking action

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

ASTRA is an organization dedicated to the eradication of all forms of exploitation and trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, as well as providing support in the search for missing children.

Summary of the supported project

The project aims to ensure access to justice for a vulnerable category of the population and to contribute to the efficiency, responsibility and inclusiveness of institutions at all levels. Organizing a campaign based on previously conducted research will aim to improve the perception of forced begging as a form of human trafficking, will influence the increase of awareness and will have an impact on citizens for the establishment of safe and inclusive communities, especially for (potential) victims of human trafficking for the purpose of coercion to begging.

Project goal(s)

Improving the rights and psycho-social position of children and adults, victims of forced begging, as a form of exploitation for the purpose of obtaining material benefits through the generation of knowledge and skills of civil society organizations for the improvement of actions in cases of forced begging of children and adults, as well as strengthening local capacities in the fight against forced begging through regional exchange with organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of strengthening the support system.


The final beneficiaries of the project are children and adults at risk of exploitation as well as victims of forced begging. Thanks to the inclusion of the project’s target groups, such as managers, officials and professional workers from key institutions responsible for the prevention and fight against human trafficking, especially women and children in Serbia; they will feel the benefits of the expected results such as improved understanding and information about the problem of forced begging as a form of human trafficking, influence on the improvement of public policies and the legislative framework as well as an influence on the improvement of perception, better information and degree of sensitization of the general public; on human trafficking for the purpose of forced begging and exploitation of children and adults in Serbia.


Main activities

  • Desk Research
  • Practice analysis
  • Interviews
  • Discussion forum
  • Policy brief – a concrete proposal for the improvement of public policies
  • Concrete advocacy action – implementing the knowledge to practice
  • Campaign and sharing of knowledge and information with the professionals and general public

Fenomena Association

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

The vision of the Fenomena Association is a society based on solidarity, equality and emancipation from all forms of domination, and a society that protects the environment. Our mission is to encourage positive social change through the promotion of the concept of sustainable development and to reach different target groups and organizations (public and private) at the local and state level, as well as at the regional level.

The general goals are: empowering and supporting survivors of gender-based violence; prevention of violence among young people; improving the policy framework; raising awareness and educating different target groups on issues of sustainable/integral development, gender equality and equal opportunities; strengthening ecological sustainability.

The three basic programs of the Fenomena Association are:


As part of the second program, the Fenomena Association has been working since 2015 on the inclusion of women, young people and citizens in local policies to reduce the risk of disasters.

Summary of the supported project

With this project, Fenomena Association encourages cooperation between local self-government departments in charge of civil protection, high schools and civil society organizations from the territory of the Western Morava Basin, on the topic of improved preparedness for emergency situations and natural disasters in accordance with the Disaster Risk Reduction Law.

High schools and local governments will be included in the research, on the basis of which data and analysis will be provided for a detailed understanding of the existing legal obligations and conditions (capacity) of high schools from the target territory to fulfill legal regulations regarding disaster risk prevention (DRR) practices. Special attention will be given to the necessary and available budgets that are allocated from public budget funds for this purpose with the main question – whether the institutions in charge allocate funds for the implementation of the Law and whether there is an alternative to the public budget. The analysis should also refer to the importance of multisectoral cooperation in terms of improving standards in DRR and the possibility of implementing multisectoral cooperation in one local self-government and/or in a wider geographical area such as the West Morava Basin.

Upon a public call for high schools from the territory of the Zapadna Morava Basin and with the support of external experts, planning documents for the prevention of disaster risks will be drawn up in three secondary schools. In one high school, signaling and evacuation equipment will be provided, as well as an evacuation simulation exercise.

Educational activities (training for trainers, workshops in secondary schools and an educational camp for young people) aim to increase the knowledge and competences of civil society organizations and young people. 20 representatives of CSOs will acquire competences for conducting workshops with young people, while the project envisages further cooperation and support for three CSOs that will hold a set of workshops for 60 young people from at least three secondary schools (20 participants per high school).

After the workshops in high schools, a new public call for participation in the educational camp for young people will be published (in which priority will be given to young people who have successfully completed the workshops in their schools, but also an open possibility for other young people who are motivated to participate in the camp). At the camp, young people will learn public advocacy skills that are not part of the regular education system, but are an important part of education for democratic social life, as well as the skills of implementing a campaign on social networks to promote a culture of safety with a perspective of gender equality and ecology. After selecting the youth team for the implementation of the online campaign in the last three months of the project, this team of young people will, with mentoring support, plan and implement a campaign on the social network that will be strategically selected by the youth team. The content of the campaign will refer to topics that young people learned about during the project – at workshops in schools, at an educational camp, but information from research will also be used, especially video material on evacuation simulation exercises in schools, which is one of the examples of good practices from the project.

Project goal(s)

General goal: Increasing the participation and awareness of CSO, youth, the public and institutions about the reform of the security sector, strengthening resilience and reducing the risk of disasters (DRR) in the Republic of Serbia.

SC 1. Encouraged cooperation of local self-government departments, high schools and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the territory of the West Morava Basin in Serbia and improved preparedness for natural disasters in accordance with the Law on Disaster Risk Reduction.

SC 2. Increased participation of CSO and youth in security sector reform, i.e. disaster risk reduction with a focus on civil protection and rescue, with cross cutting themes of ecology and gender equality.

SC 3. Increased influence of young people on public awareness of the importance of reducing the risk of disasters in the Republic of Serbia, along with the cross cutting themes of ecology and gender equality.


The target territory is the Western Morava Basin (central, southern and southwestern Serbia), i.e. 18 local governments, while the expected participation of target groups is from at least 10 local governments – 10 civil society organizations (CSOs), 10 civil protection departments (CPD) and 10 high schools.

10 CSOs will be empowered to have a stronger impact on positive changes in the domains of security and stability in three frameworks: preparedness for emergency situations, gender equality and the impact of climate change. In the continuation of the project, at least three CSOs will contribute to proposals during working meetings with CPD and educate high school-age youth by conducting and organizing civil protection workshops and exercises.

Civil protection departments will be involved in research, working meetings for the preparation of planning documents, simulation exercises, will give statements to the media, and will participate in the final conference of the project together with other stakeholders of the Western Morava Basin.

Of the 10 high schools that will be included in the research, at least three high schools will be chosen to strengthen capacity and resilience to emergency situations (activities of producing planning documents and realization of workshops for students), one in which an evacuation signaling system will be introduced and a demonstration exercise carried out, and at least seven more schools will participate in the project’s final conference and learn about examples of good practice from the project.

Final beneficiaries are young people from the targeted territory of the West Morava Basin – at least 60 students from three involved high schools as beneficiaries of practical workshops organized by CSOs in cooperation with schools and other actors of civil protection (Red Cross, emergency services, fire brigades, Mountain Rescue Service, mountaineering societies and others). From that number, at least 20 students will be participants of civil protection simulation exercises (demonstrative evacuation exercises) in one high school, and at least 20 high school students (most of whom have previously attended workshops in schools) as participants in an educational camp with topics of the project. In the end, at least six of the most motivated high school students will benefit from mentoring support for public advocacy and conducting campaigns on the Internet. Additionally, the youth reached by the peer-to-peer public campaign – at least 100 youth from the target territory who had some online engagement during the campaigns, are defined as final beneficiaries of the project because their engagement shows a contribution to safety and security.


Main activities

  1. Introductory activities: public invitation to participate in the project sent to secondary schools from the territory of the Western Morava Basin (central, southwestern and southern Serbia) and CSOs, working meetings with the Civil Protection Departments of the cities of the Western Morava Basin, schools and associations.
  2. Conducting and publishing research on the capacities of secondary schools and civil protection departments in the territory of the Western Morava Basin in Serbia to prevent the risk of disasters in accordance with the Law. Questionnaires will be sent to all secondary schools in the target territory, as well as to local governments. Conclusions and recommendations are part of the informative content of the campaign, which will be led by young people.
  3. Development of disaster risk assessment and plans for protection and rescue in secondary schools. Marking the place for evacuation and conducting evacuation simulation exercises. Distribution of examples of good practice in establishing an effective natural disaster risk assessment system. Advocacy for budgeting – three sample plans will outline an example of the required budget for signage and annual exercises. Final conference of the project (online).
  4. Adaptation of the Fenomena’s training program for CSOs and youth – on the basics of DRR, rescue and civil protection, with pervasive themes of ecology and gender equality. Implementation of training for trainers for 20 members of CSOs. Realization of a set of workshops by CSOs with 60 young people from at least three secondary schools in the target territory.
  5. 5. Public invitation for young people from the target territory and implementation of an educational camp for at least 20 young people. At the camp, young people learn public advocacy skills and implement campaigns on social networks to promote a culture of safety with a perspective of gender equality and ecology. Implementation of a mentoring program for young people. Implementation of the campaign by young people and promotion of examples of good practice on social networks and other electronic and online media.

Related news

Readiness of high schools in the West Morava River Basin in the Republic of Serbia for reducing the risk of disasters and emergency management

Drustvo za razvoj kreativnosti

Association for Development of Creativity

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

Association for Development of Creativity is the association of citizens founded in Aleksinac in February 1997, with the aim of improving of the local community and developing civic values. Since 1997 up to now, more than 5,000 young people and adults of different cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds have undergone the Association’s programs and projects. Associates of the Association are constantly improving their work and their capacities, contributing to the development of the local community as well as the development of civil society in Southeast Serbia.
The Association implements projects and programs intended for young people, the elderly, women and all other categories of residents belong to any form of marginalized groups today, not only in the local community but also in the wider area.
Field of action: active participation in the development of local communities, strengthening citizen activism by supporting civic initiatives as well as the cooperation of all community members with the aim of developing the potential and quality of civil society. Areas of activity: – Strengthening civil society and transformation of public authority into a service for citizens by creating conditions for communication and mutual positive influence between civil society and public authority; Empowerment and active inclusion of marginal groups in social flows; Advocating for gender equality and supporting civil initiatives; Creation of conditions for more intensive involvement of young people in public life; Strengthening own capacities; Providing support and assistance to marginalized groups.

Summary of the supported project

The project foundation is based on real data on the unpreparedness and ability of citizens to react in various crisis situations. Security issues affecting women and other vulnerable groups in local communities are rarely taken into account when formulating local security policies.

The “Extraordinary” project is intended to empower women’s organizations and women in three regions of Serbia (Nišava, Kolubara and Pirot) in the field of action in emergency and crisis situations and, accordingly, the improvement of public security policies at all levels.

The  project target groups:

  1. Women’s CSOs from 3 regions (18 organizations of which 3 are leadership and 15 are local rural or urban women’s organizations) for participation in trainings, workshops and the consultation process.
  2. Women from three regions, rural and urban environments, participants in research and empowerment workshops.
  3. The representatives of decision-makers, local authorities and public institutions from 6 municipalities in 3 regions (Aleksinac and Ražanj – Nišava, Lazarevac and Mionica – Kolubara, Pirot and Babušnica – Pirot region) for the research and consultative process.

Project goal(s)

The general objective is the contribution to the strengthening of civil society organizations for their stronger and more active role in the creation and promotion of peaceful inclusive societies.

Specific objective(s):

  1. The improvement of the women’s CSOs capacities for greater social action in crisis and emergency situations and improving local security policies.

2. Promotion of security and stability and sensitizing the wider public for planned and organized action in crisis situations.


Generally, the project “Extraordinary” is intended to empower women’s organizations and women in three regions of Serbia (Nišava, Kolubara and Pirot) in the field of action in emergency and crisis situations and, accordingly, the improvement of public security policies at all levels.

  1. The project strengthens women’s organizations in three regions of Serbia, their capacities for responding in emergency situations. It also strengthens the security capacities and acting in emergency and crisis situations. Furthermore, the organizations strengthen themselves for better management in crisis situations and the establishment of crisis management, which improves their management capacities.
  2. Women from the involved regions are more informed about security and crisis situations and encouraged to become more intensively involved in the work of local women’s organizations. Furthermore, the women are encouraged to take greater role in activism in their own local environments, and to increase knowledge about acting in crisis situations.
  3. The representatives of decision-makers, local authorities and public institutions receive new resources. They also get opportunities for the development of quality local policies in the area of security and to increase the degree of gender equality. The representatives are provided with the opportunity to network, exchange the experience and to establish cooperation with other participating municipalities and organizations.
  4. All other CSOs, citizens, representatives of institutions and local administrations, the media in all three involved regions are more informed about organized action in crisis situations. They feel safer and have a safe environment.

Main activities

1. Research;
2. Strengthening the CSOs capacities;
3. Volunteer training in emergency situations of local women’s CSOs;
4. Empowerment workshops;
5. Consultative process:
5.1. Initiative meetings;
5.2. Round tables;
6. Campaign:
6.1. Media campaign;
6.2. Final event.


Second National Conference for Serbia: SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans

SMART Balkans organizes the second National Conference for Serbia, scheduled to take place on Friday, June 30, 2023, starting at 11:30 a.m., at Hotel Mona Plaza in Belgrade.

The main focus of the panel discussions at this year’s conference will be the role of civil society organizations in crisis management.

In addition, the conference will encompass the signing of contracts with the recipients of the National Intervention grants, the presentation of the project’s results, as well as the opportunities available within the SMART Balkans project.

The event will be held in a hybrid format, allowing everyone interested to participate online. Registration is mandatory as on-site attendance is limited.

Register at the following link:

For participants traveling from outside Belgrade, the organizer will cover travel expenses equivalent to a return bus ticket. Proof of completion of the trip, such as a fuel bill, toll bill, or bus ticket, must be submitted along with the reimbursement request.

If you require further information, please feel free to reach out to us via the following email address: [email protected].

Posebna nam je čast i zadovoljstvo pozvati vas da učestvujete na drugoj Nacionalnoj konferenciji za Srbiju u okviru projekta „SMART Balkan – Civilno društvo za povezani zapadni Balkan“ koja će se održati 30. juna 2023. godine u Hotel Mona Plaza, Beograd, sa početkom u 11:30 časova.

Konferencija predstavlja odličnu priliku za diskusiju o aktuelnim temama i umrežavanje organizacija civilnog društva, a fokus panel diskusije na ovogodišnjoj konferenciji je uloga organizacija civilnog društva u upravljanju u kriznim situacijama.

Na konferenciji će biti potpisani ugovori sa dobitnicima granta Nacionalne intervencije.

S obzirom da će događaj biti hibridne prirode, a broj učesnika u sali je ograničen, molimo vas da se na vreme prijavite na link ispod i izaberete način na koji želite da pratite događaj (uživo ili online).

Prijave na linku:

Za učesnike koji dolaze izvan Beograda organizator pokriva putne troškove u iznosu povratne autobuske karte, a za putovanje koje je obavljeno potrebno je priložiti dokaz (račun za gorivo, račun za putarinu, autobusku kartu i sl.).

Ukoliko su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, možete da nam se obratite na sledeću e-mail adresu: [email protected].

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Second National Conference in N. Macedonia titled “Crisis Management and Strengthening Local Capacities for the Prevention of Violence and Violent Extremism”

Today, on 08.06.2023, the second National Conference in N. Macedonia titled “Crisis Management and Strengthening Local Capacities for the Prevention of Violence and Violent Extremism” was held at Aleksandar Palace Hotel, Skopje. This conference was organized as part of the SMART Balkans project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.

The Executive Directress of the Center for Research and Policy Making – CRPM stated that the civil society organizations recognize the needs of the various segments of Macedonian society and respond through the SMART Balkans project, offering them services, protection, prevention, capacity building, awareness raising, or advocacy on their behalf to change policies in accordance with their needs and reduce their vulnerability.

If we examine the target groups with whom the organizations awarded grants work, we will notice that the primary beneficiaries are young people, women, particularly women victims of violence, the disabled, drug users, sex workers, and the most marginalized individuals who, due to exclusion, are more susceptible to the risks of radicalization leading to violent extremism. The response to the needs of these vulnerable categories is directly related to the security and stability of the country. An institutional response would enable a more resilient society in which, apart from equality in participation, equality of policy results would be advocated.” Risteska said.

Mrs. Hanne Malgaard, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade emphasized that through the SMART Balkans programme, Norway provided grants for Macedonian organizations in value of almost 570.000 EUR.

“Through the SMART Balkans programme, we aim to empower and strengthen the voices of individuals and groups who advocate for positive change, promote transparency, accountability, good governance and democratic values, and contribute to the secure and stable development of their communities.”

Since the conference topics were focused on security issues, Mrs. Meldgaard addressed the tragic events in Serbia. “The whole region is faced with various security crises:  youth violence, floods, fires, etc. There are also threats related to lingering effects of conflicts and raising extremism. Norway provides development assistance to the region and N. Macedonia for addressing many of these security challenges, through strengthening the rule of law, enhancing capabilities, transparency, inclusiveness and accountability of institutions, and promoting regional cooperation.” – Meldgaard expressed.

The Secretary General of the Government of N. Macedonia, Mr. Metodija Dimovski, congratulated the Center for Research and Policy Making and the partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania for the efforts invested in implementing the SMART Balkan project and in building a free and democratic society.

“The countries of the Western Balkans face many challenges in the areas of the rule of law, the judicial independence, corruption, freedom of the media, social cohesion, and, of course, security. The contribution of the civil society sector is of fundamental importance for the development of democratic values. It is also necessary to establish a dialogue between state institutions and civil society organizations as an important prerequisite for successfully implementing changes.” – Dimovski said.

Mr. Dimovski emphasized that the Government of N. Macedonia is fully committed to improving the environment in which civil society works. In that direction, to ensure an encouraging and sustainable environment, amendments are being made to the Law on Civil Organizations and Foundations and the Law on Sponsorships. Additionally, the Secretariat for European Affairs, through a consultative process, is working on models for the inclusion of CSOs in EU accession objectives.

Two panel discussions took within the conference where the panelists addressed regional issues such as youth violence, natural disasters, and global security challenges in the Western Balkans.

At the first panel, in which Prof. Dragana Batic from the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Mr. Stojance Angelov, director of the Crisis Management Center, and Mr. Kire Mihajlov from the Volunteer Fire Department Sv. Nikole participated, it was determined that the crisis management system in N. Macedonia, considering the fact that it was established thirty years ago, needs some upgrading in order to respond to the new challenges brought by the new era in a systematic and more efficient way.

In that regard, legal and institutional changes are needed. However, it was found that the biggest problem is the availability of human and material resources to successfully deal with crises. To overcome this deficiency, a greater focus is required on the voluntary organization of citizens within the civil sector, as permitted by the existing legislation. The state’s priority should be the promotion and provision of an enabling environment for such voluntary associations to become an effective part of the crisis management system. Furthermore, the first panel covered the aspect of psychosocial support during crises and other traumatic events. Here, too, it was emphasized that a systemic approach is necessary, providing space for civil society organizations to get involved by offering services of this kind within the framework of the communities in which they operate.

The second panel featured Mr. Zlatko Apostoloski, National Coordinator for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and Terrorism, Ms. Vilma Milcev, Director of the Center for Common Ground, and Mr. Luka Pavićević, President of the Union of High-School Students. They identified current challenges and threats related to violence and violent extremism, along with corresponding prevention measures.

The National Coordinator for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and Terrorism emphasized the need to approach all threats with utmost seriousness, particularly focusing on prevention through various programs and services where civil society organizations can make significant contributions. Additionally, adopting a systemic approach to the reintegration and resocialization of radicalized individuals can ensure greater citizen security.

Moreover, experiences were shared by civil society organizations that work on the prevention of violent extremism to encourage increased involvement of such organizations during the prevention phase. This involvement can be achieved through relevant activities and services that form part of the organizations’ portfolios. Considering the fact that young people are most vulnerable to violence risks, as evident from recent experiences in the region, a representative from the secondary school union of N. Macedonia presented the risks and needs involved in effectively addressing and preventing violence and violent extremism in schools in N. Macedonia.

During the conference, grant contracts were signed with Macedonian organizations within the National Intervention grant line. Out of the 60 applications received from N. Macedonia for National Interventions, 11 organizations passed the first phase of evaluation, the pre-selection, and were invited to submit a full application. In the second phase of evaluation, four (4) organizations were selected to receive funding, totaling 1,982,006 NOK. The awarded organizations will implement their projects over a period of approximately two years.

Organizations awarded with National Intervention grant are:

  1. HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje
  2. Coalition of youth organizations SEGA
  3. Citizens’ Association FLOROZON Center for Environmental Democracy Skopje
  4. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Skopje



HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

One of the main strategic goals of the organization is to improve the national drug policy and create a humane and efficient drug policy. This project is also in that direction, which through several activities will enable the achievement of this strategic goal of the organization.

Summary of the supported project:

The national drug policy of the Republic of North Macedonia is based on one document – the National Drug Strategy. The current strategy for drugs is for the period from 2021 to 2025 and the Action Plan is for the first 3 years of the strategy 2021-2023. According to the strategy and Action Plan for 2023, it is planned to conduct an external evaluation of the Strategy and Action Plan and to prepare a new Action Plan for 2024-2025. Through this project, we plan to conduct an independent evaluation of the Strategy and Action Plan, as well as to create a new Action Plan for the period 2024-2025. In this way, we will enable continuity in the implementation of the strategy as well as the improvement of the national drug policy, and we will also ensure the participation of the civil sector in the development of the Action Plan. The representatives of civil society organizations during the development of the Action Plan will represent the needs of people who use drugs as one of the most marginalized groups in North Macedonia and will advocate for an increase in financial resources intended for civil society organizations that work in the field of addictions. The final version of the Drug Action Plan 2024-2025 will be promoted at a special event attended by all relevant institutions and civil society organizations, and a media conference will also be held. The new Action Plan will be presented at the one-day National Drug Policy Conference that we plan to organize within the framework of this project. This will be the second National Drug Policy Conference. This National Conference will cover the topics given in the National Drug Strategy 2021-2025, i.e. reducing the demand for drugs as well as reducing the supply of drugs and will discuss the good sides of the national policy as well as what needs to be done in order to create a humane and effective national drug policy. About 30 experts, professionals, politicians, representatives of relevant ministries and institutions, professors and representatives of the civil sector will participate in the conference. Conclusions will be made at the conference, which will then be delivered to all participants as well as to all competent institutions. Through this project, cooperation will be established with the justice sector, i.e. the judiciary and the prosecutor’s office and with the police, which are institutions and authorities responsible for the implementation of the two key laws through which the national drug policy is implemented: The Law on the Control of Narcotic Drugs and the Criminal Code. Our knowledge and analysis show that often judicial and police practice is inadequate in the implementation of legal provisions related to drugs and sentences are imposed that are inappropriate for the crime, regardless of whether it is an organized crime or an organized sale of illegal substances or for possession of substances for personal use. At the session of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia held on February 13, 2023, Article 215 of the Criminal Code, which regulates the illegal sale, production and possession for the purpose of sale of psychoactive substances, was finally changed. This novelty in our legislation will be the reason for us to hold working meetings with the justice and police sectors, the purpose of which is to establish cooperation with these institutions for the further steps required for the proper implementation of the laws. The third important issue that we want to work on through this project is the lack of professional staff to work with people who use drugs. Namely, the faculties that should prepare professional staff for this, do not treat the issue of drug use in a structured and quality manner. In the absence of a department of addictology, the relevant faculties that create staff to work in the field of drug use and crime related to drug use: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Work and Politics, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Law, as well as the Faculty of Security, this topic is treated with a small number of lectures during the year. This situation has been going on for a long time and HOPS started organizing a summer school on addictions for young staff from these faculties since 2011.

 With this project, we will continue with the addiction school, which is designed to last 7 days and will be intended for 15 final year students from the above faculties, postgraduate students, as well as young professionals under the age of 30. The lecturers of the school will be experienced practitioners, experts as well as faculty professors who will try to compensate the knowledge of students and young staff for work in the field of drugs in the following areas, prevention, treatment, harm reduction, resocialization as well as security. It will also be possible to visit the resocialization program in Strumica, implemented by the citizens’ association Izbor and financially supported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Project goal(s):

The general goal of the project is to improve the national drug policy of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Specific objectives are:

  • Increased participation of the civil sector in decision-making processes
  • Maintaining a constructive partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • Improving the knowledge and skills of young professional staff for work in the field of drug use and drug-related crime.


Several target groups will benefit from this project: People who use drugs and their families, students, postgraduates and young professionals who work or will work in the field of drug use and crime related to drug use, the civil sector working in the field of drug use and crime related to drug use,  Government, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, Association of Criminal Judges, Association of Public Prosecutors and Training Center of the Ministry of the Interior. However, people who use drugs and their families should benefit the most. All activities in the project aim to improve the national response to the use of drugs and to enable the improvement of the national system for solving this issue. People who use drugs are the most affected party because they daily face the lack of appropriate solutions at the level of policies that directly affect the respect of their rights to treatment, resocialization and reintegration into society. With the participation of representatives of people who use drugs in the development of the new Action Plan for Drugs 2024-2025, it will be possible to propose activities in the plan that are of greatest interest to them. We expect it to improve not only the national drug policy but also the daily problems of this community, which will lead to an improvement in their health, social and economic condition, and thus a reduction in drug-related crime.

Main activities

To achieve the goals of the project, several activities are planned, the most important of which are:

  1. Evaluation of the Drug Action Plan of RNM 2021-2023.
  2. Creation of the Drug Action Plan of RNM 2024-2025.
  3. Promotion of the Drug Action Plan of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024-2025 through the publication of a promotional video, holding a promotional event and a conference for the media.
  4. Holding a one-day National Conference on Drug Policies.
  5. Making a short video of the National Drug Policy Conference
  6. Holding meetings with the Government of RNM, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, the Association of Criminal Judges, the Association of Public Prosecutors and the Training Center of the Ministry of the Interior.
  7. Holding a seven-day summer school on addictions


Center for Environmental Democracy FLOROZON

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

  • CED FLOROZON has the following goals and tasks
  • to protect the interests of citizens related to the environmental issues in the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • to promote environmental democracy;
  • to strengthen the rule of law in the area of the environment;
  • to promote and achieve sustainable development in ecology, agriculture, tourism, education, health and the overall economy, both in rural and urban areas;
  • to work on the protection of citizens’ rights to access information;
  • to encourage participative management of the environment;
  • to work on strengthening the principles of access to justice in the environment.

Summary of the supported project:

The project “Mechanism for the Prevention of Corruption” is designed to respond to the current impasse between the government’s commitment against general corruption in the country and its apparent lack of internal efforts to remedy such a situation. The proposed project relies on three core components that are interrelated: research and analysis, capacity building and advocacy and public awareness. In particular, the project will work on strengthening the role of civil society organizations in the prevention of corruption in the environment by improving the existing capacities and by providing an efficient mechanism for communication and cooperation with the state anti-corruption institutions and their respective bodies.

Project goal(s):

The general goal of the project is to contribute to the fight against corruption by establishing cooperation and partnership between CSOs, citizens and key anti-corruption institutions and their respective bodies.

The specific objectives are:

  • Increasing the capacities and knowledge of CSOs in anti-corruption practices;
  • Enabling an effective mechanism for dealing with environmental corruption;
  • Raising public awareness of environmental corruption threads and their consequences.


Through the implementation of the 16-month work plan, the capacities and knowledge of the target group in the anti-corruption policy are expected to increase significantly. Furthermore, it is expected that through the application of the community-based anti-corruption approach, the project will create an effective channel for cooperation between the local constituents and the institutions responsible for the implementation of the anti-corruption policy, i.e. through the development, promotion, and implementation of a mechanism for the prevention of corruption in the environment.

Main activities:

1.1 Targeting and mapping of project participants

1.2 Analysis of the anti-corruption legal framework in the field of environment

1.3 Organization of a two-day workshop on environmental anti-corruption

2.1 Preparation and dissemination of a public policy document

2.2 Preparation of a Guide to environmental anti-corruption

2.3 Organizing a public debate on corruption in the environment

2.4 Introducing a mechanism for reporting corruption in the environment – an online application for reporting corruption cases

3.1 Implementing a national campaign

3.2 Promotion of the mechanism for reporting corruption in the environment

web-grantees (1)

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

The Coalition of youth organizations SEGA is national umbrella of youth organizations and works on development and implementation of youth policies at local and national level, connects and strengthens youth organizations aiming to activate youth and improve the conditions for their personal and professional development in the Republic of Macedonia.

SEGA’s vision is: Youth influence the changes and the development of Macedonia, participate in the decision making at national and local level for issues that directly concerns them. SEGA as a sustainable and developed youth coalition enables youth to believe in themselves, to accomplish their interests, to create and to build.

SEGA’s strategic priorities:

  1. Youth activism, Youth participation and Youth information
  2. Development, support and coordination of youth organizations and other youth bodies
  3. Creation of youth policies and space for development of young people in the society

Summary of the supported project:

The project “Civil society in enhancing youth legislation” aims at active advocacy of civil sector in enhancing current youth participation legislation, thus contributing towards strengthening the role of the civil society in meaningful and transparent participation in decision and policy making.

The action will commence with analysis of the Law on youth participation and youth policies and mapping the needs of intervention for efficient application of the Law. In the next phase, a national public campaign advocating the need of enhancing the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies will be launched. And in the final phase, the action will end with the development of a Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies, which will be submitted to the Parliament, the Government and the Agency for Youth and Sports.

Project results:

  1. Identified needs of intervention for efficient application of the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies;
  2. Raised awareness among decision-makers and the public on the need of enhancing the application of the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies;
  3. Developed Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies through wide consultation process.

Project goal(s):

Overall aim: To contribute towards strengthening the role of the civil society in meaningful and transparent participation in decision and policy making.

Specific objective: Civil sector actively advocates on enhancing current youth participation legislation.


Project final beneficiaries are young people aged 15 – 29 at national level. The project will contribute in advancing the mechanisms for their active participation in decision and policy making through Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on youth participation and youth policies.

Main activities:

  1. Analysis of the Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies (LYPYP) and mapping the needs of intervention

1.1. Developing of methodology and desk analysis

1.2. Data collection and processing and generating report

  1. Public advocacy on the need of enhancing the LYPYP

2.1. Online campaign for public advocacy on enhancing the LYPYP

2.2. Thematic Youth Circles at national level

2.3. Facilitation of Structured Dialogue process

2.4. Facilitation of e-participation of young people and youth sector

  1. Developing and submission of Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on youth participation and youth policies

3.1. Drafting the Law on amending and supplementing the LYPYP

3.2. Online consultation on the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the LYPYP

3.3. National Conference for presenting the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the LYPYP

3.4. Finalization and submission of the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the LYPYP


Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Skopje

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is a civic association registered in 1994. The Committee monitors the situation with human rights, provides legal assistance, co-operates with other organizations and state bodies for the purpose of improving the promotion, respect and protection of human rights and freedoms. The Committee’s goal is protection and promotion of the human rights and freedoms guaranteed with the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia, the international instruments and the Helsinki Final Act from 1975, as well as building democratic conditions in which they can be exercised based on the rule of law. The Committee sets off from the premise that all people should have the possibility to enjoy and practice their basic rights and freedoms and should be able to protect them in case of violation or limitation. This is the basis of the rule of law, human rights and democracy.

In its persistent efforts to promote and protect human rights and harmonize the domestic legislation and practice with that of the European Union, the Helsinki Committee: Organizes systemic monitoring of the situation of human rights in the country; Provides free legal assistance and protects the individual, collective and rights of other legal entities on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia and before international organizations; Prepares monthly, annual and special reports on the situation of human rights; Prepares analyses and other specific documents related to the situation of human rights; Organizes conferences, seminars, panels, public actions and other legal forms of civic engagement; Promotes and aids the development of democracy, rule of law and civic society; and Performs other activities of public interest pursuant to the Law on Citizens’ Associations.

Summary of the supported project:

The increasing use of technology and the use of social networks by young people carries certain risks for misuse of their data, violence, and harassment. It also has negative consequences on the mental health of young people, especially victims of bullying and trafficking as well as stalking. Considering the age, with this proposed project we would like to influence the increase of knowledge among young people about the safe use of the Internet network, but also the Internet tools that young people use but do not have enough knowledge about the full functioning of them.

The action proposed by this project will act in the area of prevention, that is, the need for risk recognition, protection and safe behavior in the digital space. The activities will be implemented on the basis of risk based and human rights approach. The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (MHC) will first investigate the current needs and knowledge of young people, train them accordingly and contribute to greater protection in the digital space. Regarding the problems in the context of state institutions, the MHC will develop materials that will be delivered to relevant stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MIOA) and will advocate for the inclusion of digital literacy in education programs, as well as the inclusion of MIOA in the prevention section. With a long-term goal for action in this area, the Helsinki Committee will be dedicated to increasing the knowledge of its employees so that we could adequately continue to provide legal assistance to citizens and appropriate monitoring of institutions.

Project goal(s):

General goal: Advancing the knowledge of young people, especially those who belong to particularly vulnerable groups, for safe use and protection in the Internet space.

Specific goals

  • Increasing the capacities of MHC for digital security and protection of personal data in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data and international standards
  • Increasing the awareness of young people about personal protection when using the internet space
  • Information and involvement of the relevant institutions for action in prevention and education for cyber security and protection of the right to privacy
  • Increasing the general public’s awareness of digital security and the importance of personal data protection


The target groups of this action are:

  • Young people from secondary schools, primarily the membership of youth organizations and unions, with a special focus on vulnerable categories, such as girls, Roma, LGBTI+ and people with disabilities
  • Providers of free legal assistance and representation – employees of the MHC
  • General public using social networks.

And the expected results in order to influence the above-mentioned users are:

  • Increased capacities and knowledge of MHC employees on digital security, who work to protect human rights
  • Strengthened mechanisms for the protection of young people, with a special focus on those who belong to different vulnerable categories, for personal safety in the internet space
  • Increased awareness of the general public about digital security and the importance of personal data protection

Main activities:

  • Implementation of a two-day expert training for MHK employees
  • Conducting basic research on the current knowledge among young people about the use of online tools/behavior in the online space
  • Implementation of two schools for youth
  • Creation of digital security materials
  • Organizing a panel discussion with relevant institutions
  • Developing a campaign to raise awareness among the general public.
2 Нац конференција-Македонија

Second National Conference for N. Macedonia: SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans

SMART Balkans organizes the second National Conference for N. Macedonia, scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 8, 2023, starting at 09:30 a.m., at Aleksandar Palace Hotel in Skopje.

This year’s conference will place particular emphasis on crisis management and strengthening of local capacities in the prevention of violence and violent extremism.

During the event, the upcoming public call grants will be announced and presented to the participants, providing them with the opportunity to learn about the funding opportunities within the SMART Balkans project. Additionally, the conference will serve as a platform for signing contracts with grant recipients from the National Interventions grant line.

On-site attendance at the conference is limited. Register here and select your preference for participation (in person or online):
SMART Balkans- Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans is implemented by consortium of organizations: Centar za promociju civilnog drustva (CPCD) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) from N. Macedonia, and Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) from Albania, funded by the Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs.