
ASTRA-Anti trafficking action

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

ASTRA is an organization dedicated to the eradication of all forms of exploitation and trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, as well as providing support in the search for missing children.

Summary of the supported project

The project aims to ensure access to justice for a vulnerable category of the population and to contribute to the efficiency, responsibility and inclusiveness of institutions at all levels. Organizing a campaign based on previously conducted research will aim to improve the perception of forced begging as a form of human trafficking, will influence the increase of awareness and will have an impact on citizens for the establishment of safe and inclusive communities, especially for (potential) victims of human trafficking for the purpose of coercion to begging.

Project goal(s)

Improving the rights and psycho-social position of children and adults, victims of forced begging, as a form of exploitation for the purpose of obtaining material benefits through the generation of knowledge and skills of civil society organizations for the improvement of actions in cases of forced begging of children and adults, as well as strengthening local capacities in the fight against forced begging through regional exchange with organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of strengthening the support system.


The final beneficiaries of the project are children and adults at risk of exploitation as well as victims of forced begging. Thanks to the inclusion of the project’s target groups, such as managers, officials and professional workers from key institutions responsible for the prevention and fight against human trafficking, especially women and children in Serbia; they will feel the benefits of the expected results such as improved understanding and information about the problem of forced begging as a form of human trafficking, influence on the improvement of public policies and the legislative framework as well as an influence on the improvement of perception, better information and degree of sensitization of the general public; on human trafficking for the purpose of forced begging and exploitation of children and adults in Serbia.

Main activities

  • Desk Research
  • Practice analysis
  • Interviews
  • Discussion forum
  • Policy brief – a concrete proposal for the improvement of public policies
  • Concrete advocacy action – implementing the knowledge to practice
  • Campaign and sharing of knowledge and information with the professionals and general public

Related news

Desk Analysis of Documents for Serbia

Intersectoral Discussion Forum: Presentation of Research Findings, Recommendations, and Guidelines

Strengthening Regional Collaboration to Combat Forced Begging

Advocating Recommendations and Promoting Findings in Contribution Drafting for Monitoring Processes

Challenging Perspectives: A New Policy Brief on Begging Laws