Untitled design (34)

“SMART GAP – Smart Gender Action Plan (for District of Brcko B&H)”

Summary of the project implemented by PRONI Center for Youth Development

The obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to develop a Gender Action Plan (GAP) arises from domestic laws and international commitments on gender equality. The GAP aims to promote gender equality in all aspects of society and work, and it includes measures and strategies to achieve this goal. Brčko District BiH currently don’t have a Gender Action Plan and dedicated bodies to address this issue, resulting in negative consequences such as injustice, economic damage, and violence against women. Developing and implementing a GAP in the Brčko District BiH will have a positive impact on society by promoting gender equality and improving the lives of its citizens.

Project goals 

  • General goal of the project

Improve the equality and rights of women and men according to the model of the European Charter on Gender Policies at the level of Brčko District BiH.

  • Specific objectives

Raise awareness and promote gender equality, policies, laws and programs.

Identify and address gender-based obstacles in various areas, such as education, employment, health and political participation

Build the capacities of key actors, such as government departments, non-governmental organizations and communities, with the aim of implementing gender-sensitive policies and programs.


  • At least 45,000 girls and women from the Brčko district BIH
  • Minimum 35,000 boys and men from Brčko District BiH
  • At least 100 representatives of government institutions from Brčko District and BiH
  • At least 15 CSOs from Brčko District and BiH

Users of the Project are all citizens of Brčko District, at least 80,000 of them, who play a key role in promoting gender equality and creating a supportive environment for women and girls, and their needs and limitations may include limited resources, limited access to information and limited representation in processes decision-making.

Main activities

  • Conduct a gender analysis

– Preparation and presentation of a detailed gender analysis as a basis for the preparation of the Gender Action Plan.

  • Stakeholders engage

– Formation of a working group for BiH with a minimum of 20 members from the public, private and non-governmental sectors of the Brčko District of BiH

  • Development and implementation of a comprehensive public and advocacy campaign of gender-sensitive policies

– Preparation of a detailed plan for a comprehensive public and advocacy campaign of gender-sensitive policies

  • Development  and adoption a comprehensive Gender Action Plan Brčko District BiH

– Preparation and implementation of workshops for the purpose of defining the goals, priorities and measures of GAP

– Preparation of the draft of the Gender Action Plan of the Brčko District, including checking the mutual compliance of the document and the indicative financial framework for the implementation of the GAP

– Public consultations

– Preparation of the final document and submission to the Government of the Brčko District of BiH for consideration and adoption.

– Preparation of a three-year GAP implementation plan.

Related news:

SMART GAP: Presentation of gender analysis (Available in Bosnian language)





GAP Brčko Distrikt BiH- Policy Brief 1

GAP Brčko Distrikt BiH- Policy Brief 2

Situational gender analysis