Implementing organizations:
- European Policy Centre, Lead Applicant, Serbia
- European Policy Institute, Partner, Skopje
- Foreign Policy Initiative BH, Partner, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Group for Legal and Political Studies, Partner, Kosovo
Summary of the project
As a project focused on the strengthening of participatory democracy through stronger engagement of CSOs in the development and implementation of public administration reforms (PAR) in the WB, WeBER Plus will enhance CSO capacities in PAR through evidence-based monitoring of PAR in line with the EU requirements and by producing the PAR Monitor 2021/2022 report package. Using the PAR Monitor as the basis for further advocacy and capacity building, the project will enable CSOs to participate in a constructive policy reform dialogue with the public institutions’ representatives in PAR area relying on the established WeBER Platform and its National PAR Working Groups. Additionally, a set of regional and national-level trainings on highly intricate PAR issues, for both well developed and the smaller, local CSOs, will be implemented within the WeBER Plus.
Project goals:
The WeBER Plus overall goal is to further empower civil society organizations in the Western Balkans to engage in the design and implementation of public administration reform in line with the requirements in the EU accession process.
The specific objectives of this project are: 1. To strengthen civil society monitoring and advocacy in PAR area, based on evidence and analysis produced by CSOs, and 2. To facilitate engagement of CSOs in PAR through improved capacities and policy dialogue.
WeBER Plus will work closely with CSOs from Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina dealing with PAR to increase their capacities to further engage in the design and implementation of the administrative reforms in their countries. Moreover, ministries in charge of PAR in each of the countries will be targeted through national and regional-level dialogue organised within the National Working Groups and regional WeBER Platform. Final beneficiaries of the project are WB civil society at large, central administrations and citizens of the region more widely.
Main activities
- Drafting of the regional comparative and National PAR Monitor reports;
- Advocacy meetings at national, regional and EU level;
- Brussels policy dialogue to present and advocate for PAR Monitor findings at EU level;
- Developing two animated videos on results of the PAR Monitor 2021/2022;
- Organising and holding media brunches focused on PAR issues;
- Promotion activities;
- Four national-level roundtables on findings and recommendations of National PAR Monitors;
- Online regional consultations with the WeBER Platform members to identify training needs;
- Four National PAR Working Group meetings to identify the nationally specific training needs;
- Creating the training programme for CSOs based on the identified training needs;
- Trainings at local, national and regional level.
Related news:
National PAR Monitor Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021/2022
National PAR Monitor North Macedonia
Nacionalni program obuka za podizanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva za delotvorno učešće u reformi javne uprave (Available in Serbian language)
(Available in Albanian language)
Национална програма за обука ЗА ЗАЈАКНУВАЊЕ НА КАПАЦИТЕТИТЕ НА Граѓанските организации ЗА ЕФЕКТИВНО УЧЕСТВО ВО РЕФОРМАТА НА јавната АДМИНИСТРАЦИЈА (Available in Macedonian language)
Nacionalni program obuka Za podizanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva za delotvorno učešće u reformi javne uprave (Available in BHS language)