
Albanian National Association of the Deaf

Summary of the project

The project aims to educate, inform, and engage young people with hearing impairments in local government institutions in the Municipality of Tirana. By addressing the challenges of information gaps and discrimination in Albanian sign language, the project promotes youth activism and inclusive communities. Through organizing workshops and meetings, the project aims to increase knowledge and active participation of young people in society and decision-making processes. The project seeks to improve democratic processes and involve young people with hearing impairments in the Municipality of Tirana  as local power actors.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to educate young people with hearing impairments about local government institutions, their roles, responsibilities, and services, through access to information, while promoting youth activism and inclusive society.

Target groups and beneficiaries

  • 15 young people with hearing impairments from the Municipality of Tirana, aged 15-25 years.
  • 30 young people with hearing impairments from the Municipality of Tirana who will participate in the meetings.
  • 1000 members of the deaf community.
  • 30 members of the Municipal Council.

Main activities

  • Workshop “My Municipality”.
  • Informal consultative meetings with young people with hearing impairments.
  • Meeting with the Municipal Council of Tirana.
  • Informative videos about online services.

Related news:

ANAD “Imagine Yourself in the Local government “

ANAD: The lack of accessible spaces and activities in Albanian sign language

ANAD: Workshop on Local Government Institutions Held for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in Tirana

ANAD, Workshop: Broadening the Scope of Social Services and Their Accessibility