Newsletter No 30 is online!
Our latest newsletter, #30, is a little different this time! Discover the theme of this issue below! You can read it HERE.
Our latest newsletter, #30, is a little different this time! Discover the theme of this issue below! You can read it HERE.
Our latest newsletter, #29, contains all the information you may have missed in the past period. You can read it HERE.
Our latest Newsletter #28, contains all the information you may have missed over the past 30 days. You can read it HERE.
Our latest Newsletter #27, contains all the information you may have missed over the past 30 days. You can read it HERE.
All information you missed for the past 30 days can be found in our new Newsletter No 19 which is available HERE
We've just released a new newsletter, and this time, we're diving into the importance of Twitter for civil society organizations. Newsletter No 18 is available HERE.
The November newsletter is live! All information's you missed for the past 30 days can be found in our new Newsletter No 16 which is available HERE.
Follow this link: and discover what’s new during the past 30 days.
All informations you missed can be found in our new Newsletter No 8 which is available on this link.
January's newsletter is live! ✨ Follow this link and discover what’s new for the past 30 days. Find the Signup form for the latest SMART News on our website. For any further information, feel free to contact us!
Centar za promociju civilnog društva
Marka Marulića 2/III
71000 Sarajevo, BiH
Tel: +387 33 644 810
IDM - The Institute for Democracy and Mediation Albania
Rr. Shenasi Dishnica, Nd. 35, H. 1
1017, Tirana, Albania,
P.O.Box 8177
Tel: +355 4 240 0241
CRPM - Center for Research and Policy Making
Cico Popovikj 6-2/9
1000 Skopje, N. Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3109 932