RT (4)

Regional discussion: Official mechanisms for regional reaction to violence and threats in online environment

You’ve seen violence or murder in live streaming, and news from the accident scene is quickly transmitted?  How to react?

What are the responsibilities of the media, when do they communicate, and how do they report in crisis situations? 

Are there regional mechanisms that deal with these issues?

What can we do as citizens ?

Join us on a regional discussion on “Official mechanisms for regional reaction to violence and threats in online environment” where you can find answers to these and many other related questions. The discussion will be held on November 17, 2023, via the Zoom platform (Link to join) from 13:00 to 15:00hrs.

The goal of this discussion is the exchange of experiences in the field of responding to violence and threats in the online space in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia, regional mechanisms for response, the possibilities of participation of organizations in that process, and the importance of media responsibility when reporting on this topic.

The panelists represent institutions, organizations, and experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia who work on identification and solving the problem of violence in the online environment and reactions to threats.

All interested civil society organizations, citizens, representatives of the government institutions, and media from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia are invited to participate in the discussion.

The number of places is limited.

Please apply via link: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/17EEiaSdE3

Discussion will be held on the local languages.

The agenda will be delivered to registered participants in a timely manner.