Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
“Vatra” Psycho-Social Center aims at preventing trafficking in human beings, domestic and gender-based violence and social-economic empowerment of victims of these phenomena, by:
• Preventing trafficking in human beings, violence, and sexual abuse;
• Identification of victims and potential victims of human trafficking through outreach work
• Rehabilitation and reintegration services for victims of human trafficking, sexual abuse, and violence;
• Capacity building for representatives of local government institutions and other NGOs
• Lobbying and advocacy for improvement of Albanian legislation and policies
Beneficiaries and target groups:
Victims of human trafficking/ Victims of domestic violence and other forms of Gender-Based Violence; Children and other families’ members of beneficiaries, benefiting direct reintegration assistance. Youth of schools; community members and public in general, benefiting knowledge and information to prevent human trafficking and gender based violence. State and non-state employees of institutions that work on anti-trafficking field benefiting capacity building on legislation, policies and best practices to assist with professionalism and dignity victims and their children;
Vatra Psycho-Social Center “Protect the victim, maximum punishment for perpetrators.”