Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
Since its establishment, Tuzla Open Center has worked in two harmonized directions: Cooperating with institutions and organizations of civil society, creating a support network for LGBTIQ people in Tuzla Canton and empowering the local LGBTIQ community through education, socializing and sharing their safe space. On the one hand, advocacy activities are implemented, the results of which lead to the strengthening of government institutions in order to improve the protection of human rights and non-discriminatory services to LGBTIQ persons, on the other hand, LGBTIQ persons and the programs of organizations that provide them with security and support are strengthened. At the same time, TOC continuously working on strengthening its team so that it can adequately provide services to LGBTIQ people as a target group and become a bridge of trust between them and relevant institutions and other organizations.
The strategic goals of the work and development of Tuzla Open Center are aimed at:
- Improvement of the social and legal position of LGBTIQ persons in the canton of Tuzla
- Building new and improving the existing organizational capacities of TOC
The end users on whom TOC’s program and project activities have a long-term direct or indirect impact are:
- Members of the LGBTIQ community from Tuzla Canton;
- Families of members of the LGBTIQ community;
- Civil society organizations;
- Employees of public institutions in the local community (e.g. health institutions, judicial institutions, non-governmental organizations…) with whom TOC works directly within its program;
- Citizens of Tuzla Canton.
Through continuous work on the issue of the rights of LGBTIQ persons, TOC ensure and expand the space of equality, togetherness and solidarity.
Related news:
Istraživanje (Ne)ravnopravnost spolova na izbornim listama u Gradu Tuzla – Izbori 2022/Research on gender (in)equality on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla – Elections 2022 (Available in BHS and English language)
Istraživanje (Ne=ravnopravnost spolova na izbornim listama u Gradu Tuzla – Izbori 2020 i 2024/Research on gender (in)equality on electoral lists in the City of Tuzla – Elections 2020 and 2024 (Available in BHS and English language)