
Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA)

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

PPNEA’s mission is to guarantee a governing and social climate where the preservation of natural heritage is a priority. This is intended to be achieved through rigorous scientific research, community involvement, the creation of strategic partnerships and continuous interaction with decision-making institutions. In addition, PPNEA focuses on five strategic directions:

  • Conservation and protection of important, rare and endangered species,
  • Conservation and protection of areas with high biodiversity values,
  • Study of wildlife and habitats,
  • Education, awareness and advocacy for nature conservation and protection issues,
  • Institutional development of civil society environmental organizations

Beneficiaries and target groups:
Nature conservation is directly related to inter-institutional, inter-sectoral and necessarily international cooperation. Separated from partisan political goals, PPNEA in more than 30 years of operation has proven to act clearly on the objectives of conservation of habitats and wildlife. Even today, the organization is known for conducting monitoring schemes together with government agencies or institutions, training provided to law enforcement bodies in the field such as Protected Area Administrations, planning agencies, etc.

PPNEA’s cooperation with businesses has always been based on the objectives of nature conservation, accepting those that promote nature conservation such as eco-tourism agencies. PPNEA has a deep cooperation with investigative media and not only.

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