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Post-Conflict Research Center

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is a peacebuilding non-governmental organization in BiH, internationally recognized for its innovative approaches to peace education, creative multimedia, human rights, transitional justice, violence prevention, and post-conflict reconciliation. PCRC was founded in 2011 with a vision to contribute to the development of a society where people no longer perceive ethnicity as the source of their differences, but instead see it as the basis for prosperity, redirecting their focus towards economic development, improving the educational system, creating a stable democracy, and cultivating a lasting culture of peace.

Organization goal

Our work focuses on creating spaces for different groups to hear plural stories, discuss grievances and concerns, be inspired by alternative possibilities, and look to the future. With this, we enable people in conflict-affected and polarized societies to shape the kinds of narratives they want to subscribe to and that make peace possible.


PCRC’s primary beneficiaries include Bosnian and Balkan youth, minorities such as members of Roma population, marginalized groups such as victims of wartime sexual violence, and Bosnian rescuers and survivors. All multimedia materials and tools PCRC creates to supplement its core programs are dedicated to giving a voice to marginalized and unrepresented communities.

Main organization activities

Increasing PCRC’s organizational capacity by providing the means to hire staff members, improve technical capacities, and develop core programs: Historical Remembrance and Peace Education, Western Balkans Coalition for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Crimes Prevention, Holocaust & Peace project, and the Western Balkans Peace Museum.