Partners Serbia

Partners for Democratic Change (Partners Serbia)

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

Partners Serbia specializes in the fields of rule of law, democracy, anti-corruption, human rights (with special focus on protection of privacy and personal data protection), as well as alternative dispute resolution, change and conflict management.

Partners Serbia strives to contribute to strengthening of democracy and rule of law, realization of human rights and promotion of peaceful conflict resolution, by relying on the highest professional standards, local expertise and participatory mechanisms. Through our work, we:

  • create partnerships that bring about knowledge-based change;
  • initiate the responsible work of institutions;
  • promote and protect citizens’ rights while preserving their dignity and freedom of choice;
  • empower citizens and local organizations to be the bearers of positive changes in their environment.

Summary of the supported project

Through the Project Privacy Protection in the World of Cyber Challenges, Partners Serbia will address the problem of insufficient information about the importance of personal data protection in all spheres of life, primarily through information campaigns, through adequate digital hygiene and acquaintance with the mechanisms of protection of rights. Through the School of Privacy, special emphasis will be placed on educating students and young professionals on privacy issues, thus creating a network of future decision-makers who are trained to recognize the importance of these topics in the spheres of their engagement. Also, bearing in mind the shortcomings in the practice of institutions in terms of monitoring and sanctioning cases of data breaches, Partners Serbia will map the challenges and problems that the competent institutions face, which ultimately lead to more frequent cyberattacks, leaks and misuse of data, and advocate for improving the legal framework in this area and raise the capacities of future decision-makers on the importance of protecting privacy on the Internet and cybersecurity.

Project goal(s)

The overall objective of the project is to improve the protection of personal data and to promote the right to privacy as a key aspect of a free and democratic society based on security and safety.

The specific objectives of the Project are: Improving the implementation of the legal framework related to cybersecurity through monitoring and advocacy; Raising the capacity of future decision-makers in the public, private and civil sectors, regarding digital hygiene and cyber security; Raising awareness of the wider population about personal data protection and cybersecurity.


  1. Civil society in Serbia;
  2. Media, especially investigative portals and journalists;
  3. Members of vulnerable social groups (women, LGBTI + persons, children, other vulnerable groups…);
  4. 4. Citizens of Serbia.

Main activities

Activity 1:

  • Collecting data on the practice of competent institutions when it comes to the prevention and fight against cybercrime-related crimes;
  • Writing two analyses on the practice of competent institutions when it comes to the prevention and fight against cybercrime-related crimes and two policy briefs (for 2023 and 2024);
  • Creating two policy briefs based on the findings of the analyses (for 2023 and 2024).

Activity 2:

  • Organizing a panel within the Privacy Week 2024, on the topic Cybercrime as a Threat to Privacy.

Activity 3:

  • Organizing online Privacy School 2023;
  • Organizing online Privacy School 2024.

Activity 4:

  • Conducting the media and online campaign for promoting project activities;
  • Producing 5 educational illustrations with prominent tips and key issues on cyber security that will be promoted through social networks.

Related news

Published Analysis of High-Tech Crime and Inspection Supervision in the Field of Information Security

Organized Privacy School

Presentation: “Cyber Attacks on Critical Information Infrastructure as a Form of Personal Data Breach – The Case of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS)”