
Institute for Strategic Development Center

Summary of the project

The project aims to address the challenges and needs of young people in the context of Albania’s accession to the European Union. The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at enhancing regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and assisting the integration of these countries into the EU. Youth participation in political processes in Albania and the region remains low, mainly due to their migration and the lack of supportive spaces for their inclusion. To improve this situation, it is necessary to develop and implement specific policies that address the demands of young people, provide targeted information, promote civic education, and establish political mechanisms for their communication and interaction with state institutions. Furthermore, it is important for young people to be involved in political and decision-making processes to address their issues, focusing on development goals and youth policies

Project goals

The goal of the project is to empower Local Youth Councils so that they have a significant role in local decision-making processes by establishing a supportive and organizational system for young people and promoting awareness among members of the Local Youth Councils.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Young people who are involved in youth boards, youth councils;

Activists engaged in the structure of the Local Youth Council in their municipality.

Local public administration;

Members of Local Youth Councils.

First-time voters;

Young people, youth organizations, and all stakeholders interested in empowering youth at the local and national levels.

Main activities

Organizing project presentation meetings in the Divjaka municipality and Fushe-Arrëz municipality;

Work sessions/consultative meetings with the targeted groups;

Developing a work plan for preparing models of internal regulatory acts for the LYCs;

Finalizing the models of regulatory acts and preparing for the approval of the Regulation on the Functioning of the Local Youth Council in the Divjaka and Fushe-Arrëz municipalities;

Preparing project progress information and publishing it on the official website of the Institute for Strategic Development and social networks.