Uzice Centar za ljudska prava

Association Uzice Center for Human Rights and Democracy

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

Užice Center for Human Rights and Democracy is dedicated to the democratization of society through full respect for human rights and the rule of law.

The basic values ​​we promote are tolerance, respect for diversity, gender equality, solidarity, partnership, lifelong education.

Strategic goals

  1. Contribution to the establishment of sustainable development at the local, regional and national level
  2. Improving the quality of life of multiple marginalized groups through involvement in the creation, implementation and monitoring of local and national policies.
  3. Contribution to the rule of law and the reduction of corruption at the local and national level through education, watchdog activities and the creation of innovative approaches in the fight against corruption.
  4. Continuous work on strengthening the association through education, networking, establishing partnerships, increasing visibility.

Target groups

  1. Marginalized groups – multiple marginalized, youth, women, persons with disabilities, unemployed, elderly, displaced.
  2. Employees in local governments and state institutions
  3. Business sector
  4. 4. Media

Summary of the supported project

The project deals with the functioning of institutional mechanisms for gender equality and the implementation of a gender-responsive budget in 70 local communities. Establishing a legal framework for achieving gender equality in the Republic of Serbia does not mean that gender equality is applied in practice. This project will define in a participatory way the challenges that Serbian society faces on the way to gender equality. Defined challenges and recommendations for overcoming them will be the topic of public advocacy for the consistent application of existing or changing regulations and policies at the local and national level.

Project goal(s)

General goal: Contribution to the safe and secure life of citizens by creating a sustainable gender equality policy in the Republic of Serbia.

Specific goals:

  1. Build the capacities of CSOs and local self-government units in the Republic of Serbia for more effective influence on the creation of a sustainable gender equality policy at the local level, through education and cooperation.
  2. Acquaint the republic’s institutional mechanisms with the challenges (based on arguments) of implementing the Gender Responsive Budget in local self-governments, by mapping the current situation and defining recommendations.
  3. Raise the level of public information about the sustainable concept of gender equality through promotional and advocacy activities in 5 regions of the Republic of Serbia.


  1. Representatives of local civil society organizations from 5 regions of the Republic of Serbia
  2. Decision makers at the national and local level
  3. Employees in local media

During the implementation of the project we will:

  • Build the capacities of 10 local communities (30 CSO members and employees in local self-government units) for a more effective influence on the creation of a sustainable gender equality policy.
  • Realize the mapping of the implementation of the gender-responsive budget of the current situation in 70 (all four-development groups) local communities, prepare reports with recommendations for local and republican institutional mechanisms.
  • Improve the level of public information about the sustainable concept of gender equality in 10 cities and municipalities in 5 regions of the Republic of Serbia.

Main activities

Five groups of activities will be implemented

  1. Preparatory activities
  2. Research that will cover 70 cities and municipalities in the Republic of Serbia
  3. Educational activities for representatives of CSOs and employees of local self-governments, which will be implemented at one national seminar and 5 regional workshops
  4. Public advocacy campaigns at the local and national level to change practices in the process of gender-responsive budgeting and implementation of gender equality
  5. 5. Promotional information activities

Related news

Mapping of Gender-Responsive Budgeting Implementation in 70 Local Communities: Report and Recommendations for National Institutional Mechanisms

Significant Improvement in Public Awareness of Sustainable Gender Equality Concepts in 10 Cities Across 5 Regions of Serbia