Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
Qendra Sociale për Ndihmë të Njerëzve në Nevojë is oriented at the promotion of economic and social opportunities for marginalized populations in the mountain regions of northern Albania which have been left behind by the economic transformations of the past years. Organization have two focuses – on education and empowerment of youth, especially girls, to advance entrepreneurship and new business models based on local opportunities; and on reducing and alleviating poverty in rural areas. QSNNN address these issues from the viewpoint of promoting European values and the integration of northern Albania into the broader European community.
Beneficiaries and target groups:
The immediate target group of this effort will be QSNNN staff, QSNNN members, and the local community in Puka, Fushe-Arrez, Lezha, and Malesisa se Madhe regions. These groups will benefit indirectly from improved organizational capacity and directly from the provision of trainings, the organization of workshops, the empowerment of civil society, and increased awareness of security and stability provided by European integration. We intend to offer trainings covering four chapters of integration which have the most immediate relevance to the socioeconomic conditions of these regions: Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development; Chapter 12 – Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy; Chapter 15 – Energy; and Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change.