Association for protection of worker’s rights Glasen Tekstilec – Shtip

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

Glasen Tekstilec is an organization established in 2017 by textile workers and human rights activists, since then they have been working on local, national, and international representation. Their mission is to have citizens who are part of the labor market/workers, are highly aware, educated, informed, and enjoy their rights, so Glasen Tekstilec will be a leading organization for the realization of labor and human rights in the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as protectors of good governance and management, are aimed at advancing labor rights.

To achieve all this, Glasen Tekstilec has several programs, such as:

  1. Respect for labor rights and promotion of social dialogue at the local and national level;
  2. Health and safety at work;
  3. Promotion of gender equality and elimination of gender-based discrimination;
  4. Youth, activism, and volunteerism;
  5. European integrations;
  6. Program for strengthening the institutional capacities of the organization:
  7. Program for economic empowerment of women and girls.


  • The public;
  • Textile workers;
  • Representatives of civil society organizations;
  • Decision makers;
  • Representatives of state/national institutions;
  • Workers from the entire private sector;
  • Employees of Glasen Tekstilec.

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