
Albanian Woman in Audiovisual AWA

Summary of the project

The project aims to analyze and examine the unexplored dynamics of the feminist movement in Albania through a series of podcasts, emphasizing the role of culture, media, and society in its formation. Specific goals include initiating a debate on the role and position of women in society, collecting evidence from real stories and cultural aspects throughout the country, as well as analyzing the challenges of the liberal agenda in changing patriarchal dynamics in Albanian culture. The project aims to challenge stereotypes and create space for alternative feminist voices, allowing for the discussion of marginalized identities and the integration of feminist discourse in Albanian media.

Project goals

The goal of the project is to address the unexplored dynamics of the feminist movement in Albania through a series of podcasts. The specific goals of the project include creating a much-needed space for debate on the role and position of women in society, collecting evidence from real stories and cultural aspects across the territory, raising a discussion on the dynamics of motherhood and parenting as challenges for feminists in Albania, analyzing the challenges of the liberal agenda in changing patriarchal dynamics in Albanian culture, as well as improving the skills of journalists, both women and men, to examine cultural dynamics and initiate debates on these issues.

Target groups and beneficiaries

Women and girls in the media;







Cultural researchers and ethnographers.

Main activities

The podcast series “Hidden shades of feminism”

Content creation laboratories for communication and journalism students.

You can find all the episodes here: “Hidden Shades of Feminism”;

Vajzëria, kuçkëria, shejtëria Irena Myzeqari dhe Valbona Sulçe Episodi 1, (ALB)

Me lind vajzë prej kanuni, Anxhela Çikopano – Episodi 2, (ALB)

Sikur patriarkati të kishte menstruacione! Rita Behadini Episodi 3, (ALB)

Evolucioni seksual dhe fuqizimi i grave – Ani Bajrami – Episodi 4 (ALB)

Me u bë grua në media – Sonila Meco – Episodi 5 (ALB)

Seksi apo seksiste? – Ema Andrea – Episodi 6 (ALB)

Kë do më shumë letërsia, gruan apo nënën? – Enkel Demi – Episodi 7 (ALB)

Antifeminizëm apo përpjekje për të evituar ekstremet ideologjike? – Ermal Hasimja – Episodi 8 (ALB)

Ndërtimet kulturore të së bukurës dhe erosit në kulturën shqiptare – Edison Çeraj – Episodi 09 (ALB)

Me jetu si grua prej burrit – Armanda Hysa – Episodi 10 (ALB)

Grua, cfarë të thotë truri? – Anila Sulstarova – Episodi 11 (ALB)

Mëmësia si ndërtim apo përjetim kulturor? – Fjolla Spanca – Episodi 12 (ALB)

Lehtësia e papërballueshme e plakjes – Diana Kastrati – Episodi 13 (ALB)

Nuk ka asgjë më politike se trupi – Ermira Danaj – Episodi 14