
AC Institute for Corruption Research Kareja

Summary of the project

Corruption, especially at high levels and organized crime, are significant common problems in the entire Western Balkans region. This criminal phenomena is associated with the term “rule of law.” Consequently, the project proposal addresses the areas of Security and Stability and Management.
The rule of law in Serbia has been violated, and corruption has permeated every facet of society. This is supported by global data from Transparency International on the perception of corruption for the year 2022, wjere Serbia is categorized among countries where corruption is widespread, even reaching the most remote parts of Serbia, including Kukulovci.
The creative artistic product is based on an original interpretation of the rule of law in Kukulovci. In the period leading up to the 2020 elections, local residents demonstratively refused to vote altogether due to the state of the village. The government responded promptly, and amidst a flea market atmosphere, the Director of Roads of Serbia negotiated with the people of Kukulovci to pave the road in exchange for their votes.

Project goals

The overarching goal of the project proposal is to contribute to the strengthening of participatory and Euro-Atlantic democratic integration in Serbia. This will be achieved by bolstering civil society organizations and their networks, enabling them to play a more active role in shaping the governmental landscape and promoting sustainable development in Serbia.

The specific objectives of the project proposal are as follows:

  • Strengthen and enhance the sustainability and dynamism of CSOs in Serbia.
  • Increase the effectiveness of citizen engagement and influence on policy changes through CSOs, with a focus on combating corruption, especially political corruption and organized crime.
  • Raise public awareness regarding the crucial role of civil society in the fight against corruption and organized crime, as these issues are central to development initiatives in Serbia within the broader context of the Western Balkans.


  • Citizens of Serbia. The group is broadly based, as the rule of law affects society as a whole. Citizens have an essential need to live in an environment of the rule of law. On the other hand, we see that the people of Kukulovce do not have that need, and that they have adapted to the state of corruption dominance. We want to draw their attention to the state of corruption and the rule of law in Serbia in a specific way. The citizens of Serbia will benefit from the project because they will develop and strengthen their awareness of the harmfulness of corruption,
  • The interested public, aware of the dangers of corruption for society, will benefit from the project, which will help them to have a stronger influence on the part of society that is not aware of the dangers of corruption.
  • Decision-makers at the national and local level and institutions (MUP, prosecution, courts, Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and others) responsible for the fight against corruption. We want to influence them, so that they implement laws and fight especially against political corruption. An interactive satirical-ironic performance should act as a shock, which would move them to implement the laws.
  • CSOs and the media will benefit from the project because several CSOs will be connected by stronger ties and strengthen their anti-corruption influence. The media will benefit because they will have quality content available for reporting and performing their function in society.

Main activities

  • Selection of project team members, volunteers, and collaborators
  • Hiring local security as a legal obligation
  • Mini press conference
  • Interactive art show, including performances
  • Recording of events and photography
  • Analysis of the interactive art performance
  • Premiere of the film


Related news:

Documentary about the rule of law in Serbia

Essay on the rule of law in Serbia: A case study of Kukulovce village