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Let’s belong together

Summary of the project implemented by Association for psychosocial support “Psihoart”

The basic starting point of the “Let’s belong together” project, which should bring together and connect students, teachers and parents from 3 communities from different cantons in FBiH, is to develop a critical awareness of the problems of unequal treatment of people due to the differences that exist between them, and empowering children and young people to personally engage in initiating changes in society. The project is part of the process of raising and educating a democratic citizen who values ​​freedom, rights and autonomy as supreme values, but also assumes responsibilities, obligations (legal and moral) that arise from life in the community through respect for the rights and needs of others.

Project goals 

The main goal of the project is to influence the development of social cohesion and respect for diversity among teachers, students and parents from 3 primary schools in FBiH, through strengthening the capacity of schools to ensure the necessary knowledge and other competencies that would help children to initiate, plan and implement campaigns and other activities that contribute to building a society based on social justice.

The specific goals of the project refer to the establishment of cooperation and friendly connections between schools from 3 communities in the FBiH and the improvement of the competencies of students, teachers and parents in order to jointly plan and implement campaigns and other actions to promote respect for diversity and social cohesion in the school and community.


In the first phase this program will include 18 students, representatives of the Student Councils from 3 schools, as well as 6 representatives of the Parents’ Council and 6 teachers, two representatives from each of the schools. Indirect participants of the project will be at least 300 students, equally represented, 30 teachers represented in accordance with the gender structure in the school, 150 parents and other members of the community.

Main activities

  • To create cooperative and friendly relations between 3 schools from mono-ethnic communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Form and educate school teams (representatives of the Student Council, Parent Council and professional associates or teachers) for the implementation of the joint campaign called “Let’s Belong Together”.
  • Realization of three-day training in two groups: adults and children. Both groups will receive training in key concepts related to respect for diversity, prejudice and discrimination, as well as basic skills related to the design and implementation of campaigns and other promotional activities.
  • Develop plans for actions/campaigns at the school and local community level — children jointly define the goals and ways to promote their campaign in the community (art campaigns, media campaigns, visuals, etc.).
  • Create Annexes to the School’s Annual Plan, which will incorporate knowledge from the training and campaign planning in the community, mobilization of other employees, parents and other community members.
  • Implementation of the campaign and promotion of the results through the media, social networks and websites.
  • Evaluation of the project to determine to what extent the knowledge of social justice concepts and competence for community actions among children and teachers increased, after the implementation of the project.
  • Final meeting with school representatives to plan the continuation of activities during the next school year.

Related news: 

Training for youth and adults (event announcement)

Let’s belong together: Empowering children and youth of Bihać and Glamoč for active engagement in social changes  (An overview of the project realization available in BHS language)