Our very own program manager, Dajana Cvjetković was one of the speakers yesterday during the second day of Tirana Connectivity Forum whose aim is to create a critical mass of knowledge on the means, resources, mechanisms, and impact that Connectivity has on growth, development, reforms, regional cooperation. The forum was held from 26th until 28th September in Tirana, Albania.
During an open discussion focused on the role of CSOs in the Common Regional Market, Dajana emphasized the importance of strengthening capacities and staying within the field of a particular mission when it comes to satisfying the needs of targeted groups through our programs. She also said that Smart Balkans Project as such values partnership between civil society organizations and supports local ownership and integrity.
Regional cooperation as one of the main pillars of Smart Balkans Project is extremely important for the development and role of civil society organizations in the countries of Western Balkans.
For more information on Tirana Connectivity Forum, visit their website: TCF 2022 – Tirana Connectivity Forum