chapter 12

QSNNN trainings on Chapter 11 and 12 of EU Acquis

QSNNN is expanding its operational capacity to establish a foundation for the regions of Puka, Fushë-Arrëz, Mirdita, and Vau Deja, with the aim of providing training, organizing workshops, and engaging civil society to enhance awareness of the safety and stability of citizens, based on the four chapters of European Integration.

Chapter 12Food Safety, Veterinary, and Phytosanitary Policy, covers detailed regulations in the field of food safety. The general policy on food products defines hygiene rules for the production of food products. Furthermore, the acquis provides detailed rules in the veterinary field, which are essential for preserving the health and well-being of animals and ensuring the safety of animal-origin food in the domestic market. In the phytosanitary field, EU regulations cover issues such as seed quality, plant protection materials, harmful organisms, and animal feed.

The training was conducted with MSc. I.Lleshi.

Topic of discussion: Legislation and the needs for improvements in the implementation framework of Chapter 12

Chapter 11Agriculture and Rural Development, which encompasses a large number of binding rules, the proper implementation of which by an efficient public administration is essential for the functioning of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Training was conducted with Prof. Dr. Zef Gjeta.

Topic of discussion: Chapter 11, Albania-EU relations


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