
Board game “Intercool Memories”

Group 484 through the supported project aims to enhance intercultural dialogue within local communities, serving as a catalyst for social cohesion and local development. This will be achieved through the creation of diverse games involving young individuals from Bujanovac, including sports cooperative games, board games, and community-based games.

This program is designed for teachers, students, youth workers, activists, athletes, and anyone interested in collaborating with young people to develop games that foster a deeper understanding of interculturality, camaraderie, and solidarity.

In that direction, they organized their concluding event – the bilingual board game “Intercool Memories”, which took place on the square in Bujanovac on December 29, 2023. The visitors had the opportunity to enhance their memory through engagement in a game of eights – a pursuit that unveils the most enchanting and prevalent words in both Serbian and Albanian. This experience encompassed words of connection and flavor, providing an opportunity to obtain new knowledge.