Info sessions for applicants from N. Macedonia and Serbia were held

The consortium of organizations implementing the SMART Balkans project opened four public calls for grants – National Interventions, Local Initiatives, Creative Box and Media Grants that will last until February 15th, 2023. For that reason, the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) organized online information sessions for representatives of civil society organizations and all interested parties from N. Macedonia and Serbia.

The info sessions aimed to present the funding opportunities, the eligibility criteria, application procedures, the basic principles and values under the SMART Balkans project, transparency, professionalism, and local ownership.

The info session for applicants from N. Macedonia was held on January 18th. It was attended by more than 100 participants, whilst the info session for applicants from Serbia was held on January 20th, attended by more than 80 participants – representatives of the civil society.

The SMART Balkans project, through these grants, will support projects that will cover the two key project topics – ​​security and stability and good governance. The focus will be on innovative approaches and activities that will contribute to society through advocacy and direct impact on the community.

Interested applicants must submit the applications online through the Grants Management Platform (GMP) https://gmp.smartbalkansproject.org/ no later than 15.02.2023.

The questions and answers of the info session for applicants from all six countries of the Western Balkans will be published on February 3rd on our website.

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