Summary of the project implemented by CROA
The project “Together against cyberbullying” aims to strengthen the skills and knowledge of children and young people about the use of the Internet and protection from online violence and is aimed at raising public awareness and knowledge about cyber security and prevention of cyber violence, advocacy and the search for creative solutions to this problem with providing support to young people in advocating for human rights in the virtual world, reducing the level of acceptance of hate speech on the Internet.
The project’s activities are based on international recommendations and the Action plan for the fight against violence against children in the digital environment in FBiH and are related to the education of children and young people and the advocacy of increased public awareness of the dangerous content that is part of cyberspace.
Project goals
The overall goal is to work on raising the awareness and level of information of children about threats that are part of cyberspace, the presence and consequences of violence on the Internet as well as self-protection mechanisms and the necessary knowledge to protect themselves from the dangers of virtual communication and cyber violence.
Specific goals:
- Increasing children’s digital literacy to use technology safely;
- Through the initiative, initiate the establishment of reporting and counseling mechanisms for young people, teachers and parents about problems related to cyber violence.
Children as a primary target group, parents as a secondary target group.
Main activities
- Education for students
- Campaign #BirajTipke
- The initiative to create the application “Red Button”- an initiative of the working group to establish reporting and counseling mechanisms for young people, teachers and parents about problems related to cyber violence.
Related news:
Kampanja Biraj tipke: Odgovorno ponašanje u digitalnom svijetu