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What hides behind the ‘foreign agents’ law?

Summary of the project implemented by Tačno.net

The National Assembly of Republika Srpska adopted the Draft Law on the Special Register and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations on September 28, popularly known as the “foreign agents” law. The focus of this project is to engage the public to prevent the adoption of this law and, perhaps more importantly, to prevent such legislation from being considered in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This law is in absolute dissonance with EU directives, and its adoption would greatly impede our path towards the EU. We have optimized a set of activities to act swiftly in the period leading up to the potential adoption of the law.

Project goals

The main goal of this intervention is to demystify the Draft Law on the Special Register and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations, commonly known as the “foreign agents” law, and to exert pressure on political representatives to make amendments that would make the law acceptable to the general public.


  • A minimum of 200,000 readers of the portal tačno.net;
  • Members of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska;
  • Representatives of the non-governmental sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  • Creation of 5 articles by experts in the field
  • Production of 9 podcast episodes discussing “foreign agents”
  • Organization of a roundtable attended by a minimum of 10 experts
  • Formulation of at least 5 conclusions to be forwarded to the members of parliament, addressing the draft law

Related news: 

Vesna Rajnović: Dodikov rat protiv fiktivnih špijuna (Available in BHS language)

Sloboda na izidisaju (Available in BHS language)

Ko su “strani plaćenici” i zašto se među njima nalazi Republika Srpska? (Available in BHS language)

Zakon o “agentima stranog uticaja”: Legalizacija represije (Available in BHS language)

Zakon o agentima ili vrli novi svijet (Available in BHS language)

Etiketiranje nepoželjnih: Ko će biti „strani agenti“ u RS-u? (Available in BHS language)


Edin Husković: Život bez slobode je dangubljenje (Available in BHS language)

Edin Batlak: Bez slobode nije moguće disati (Available in BHS language)

Aleksandar Trifunović: Kriminalizacija klevete je već dovela do efekta autocenzure društva u RS-u (Available in BHS language)

Alija Behram: Svim srcem sam uz demokrate Republike Srpske (Available in BHS language)

Sanjin Šahmanović: Bez slobode mi ne postojimo (Available in BHS language)

Stefan Blagić: Milorad Dodik je očajan čovjek, a očajni ljudi donose nepromišljene odluke (Available in BHS language)

Tihomir Dakić: Ako želite da vidite šta je patriotizam otiđite na selo i pričajte s ljudima (Available in BHS language)

Sanja Vasković: Za položaj medija u RS-u odgovorni su i pojedini novinari (Available in BHS language)

Đorđe Vujatović: Za vlast u RS-u opasnost predstavljaju isključivo istraživački mediji (Available in BHS language)

Round table:

Ćurak, Turčalo i Tubonjić: Čovjek se mora odreći sigurnosti zarad individualne slobode (Available in BHS language)