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Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

During its 30 years of operation, TV TERA has implemented numerous projects and thus has gained great experience. Through various trainings and seminars our staff expands and upgrades their knowledge which has contributed our media house to be distinguished by high professionalism in its operations. Independent and professional, service to citizens, creator of public opinion in civil society. Production of own program and content in areas important to the community, development and promotion of media literacy, social responsibility, preservation of historical, cultural and natural resources, with an emphasis on environmental topics to encourage the increase of eco-awareness. Adapting to changes in the media system, which are due to the technological revolution and innovations.


Through the public information of the citizens of the Pelagonian region, we expect that the population will directly benefit from the information about the process of energy efficiency and energy security, as well as the Just Transition process, but at the same time the local authorities, as well as the scientific community originating from the University of Bitola . The business sector will receive more information on how to be an active participant in overcoming the energy crisis. There is also the non-governmental sector, which can, through networking with the non-governmental sector from neighboring Greece, jointly apply for energy projects, or educational projects in the field of energy efficiency and energy security.