Implementing organizations:
- Youth Center CK 13, Lead applicant, Serbia
- Centar za mlade KVART Prijedor, Partner, B&H
- Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Partner, Montenegro
Summary of the project
The young people represent a key aspect of building and sustaining peace in the region, and yet they are the most susceptible to the imperatives of conflict and violence. The project initiates them into visionary democracy and into creation of a hopeful perspective towards peace through regional activities in the form of youth mobility, cooperation, and exchange. As a result, about 150 young people from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro will be educated in terms of transitional justice and peace-building and empowered to influence their environment towards peace.
Project goals
The overall goal is to continuously re-affirm the right to peace as a central issue of human rights and democracy, and to communicate the mission of peace-building as the everyday democratic practice.
Specific goal of the project is to initiate about 150 young people from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro into the ethics and politics of non-violence and peace activism and empower their political impact in the region.
Target groups and beneficiaries
The primary target group is young people in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, aged 18-30, whose lives are withheld by the defects of the unfinished democratic transition of our countries. Peers, parents and others in the communities that participants of project activities are part of, who may learn or otherwise be affected by contact with participants’ newly-gained knowledge and attitudes. Larger societies in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.
Main activities
- Alternative Politics Seminars
- Regional Activist School for Youth About the ‘90s
- Study visit: Places of Cultural Trauma
- Experience Workshops: Questioning the Past, Shaping the Future
- Outdoor Activist Campaign : The International Day of Peace 2024
- Alphabet Book on Anti-War Resistance
- Radio series about peace and nonviolence
- School of Critical Questioning of the Past
- The Study Visit ー Paths of War: Exploring the Past
- Collection of literary works on the topic of achieving peace
Related news:
For societies without violence, for justice societies, for lives worth living. For the right to peace (Available in Serbian language)