web-grantees (9)


Summary of the project

Bor is an industrial city where young people face a number of social and economic challenges that affect their ability to fully express themselves creatively and positively impact their communities. The industrial nature of the city has led to many problems that disproportionately affect young people, and the lack of digital literacy is an aggravating factor because young people do not find in digital media an opportunity to point out their problems, but to escape from reality.
The issue of insufficient digital literacy among young people in Bor is of key importance because it affects not only their personal and professional development but also the well-being of their communities. By equipping young people with the necessary digital skills and knowledge, they can play a more active role in getting involved in solving problems facing their community in our city, including environmental and health issues, unemployment, mental health issues, school challenges and the like.

Project goals

The general goal is to strengthen the participatory role of young people in Bor by networking and enhancing their digital literacy skills to address common issues within the local community.

Specific objectives:

  • Network with and enhance the digital literacy capacity of young people to bolster their societal participation.
  • Raise awareness among Bor’s citizens about the significance of involving young people in the decision-making process and solving local problems.


The target group of this project and the people who will benefit from our work are young people between the ages of 15 and 30 living in the territory of the city of Bor. This group was chosen because they are the future leaders and decision-makers of the city, and their digital literacy and skills play a key role in their ability to positively impact their communities and the city as a whole in the future.

The end users of this project are young people, who will be trained in digital literacy skills to become more active and involved in social and digital activism.

One of the main limitations of the target group is the lack of access to digital technologies and the Internet, which can hinder their ability to fully participate in the project. In addition, there may be a lack of education and available resources in the city, further limiting their ability to effectively engage in social and digital activism. These limitations will be addressed through the provision of technology and resources during the training and education process. The target group will also include young people of different nations, religions, sexual orientations, genders, races, and social statuses.

Main activities

  • Research
  • Tribune
  • Workshops
  • Online hub (Discord resource center)
  • Grassroots campaign