Strengthening youth resilience to violence and crime

Implementing organizations: 

  • Institute for Activism and Social Change (Instituti për Aktivizëm dhe Ndryshim Social), Lead applicant, Albania
  • Shelter for DV and GBV Victims “E. Haxhiymeri”, Partner, Albania
  • Peer Educators Network (PEN), Partner, Kosovo
  • Association “zemlja i djeca”, Partner, B&H

Summary of the project

By joint synergies of 4 partner organizations, this program aims to strengthen youth resilience against violence, crime and extremism by building competencies, values, confidence and social connectedness despite marginalization, social exclusion, organized crime, polarized societies or ethnic/political tension existing in communities of Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The program is builds upon good local/national examples/interventions and it opens up more regional opportunities which promote sustainable development for WB youth by potentiating youth as agents of change.

Project goals

To strengthen prevention efforts in Western Balkans, and increase youth resilience and exchange of good practices through Regional Exchange Platforms/hubs.

Target groups and beneficiaries

  • 460 young boys and girls (school age), at risk of violence, extremism and organized crime have strengthened their resilience against difficult social contexts.
  • 165 government officials and local community representatives from 3 countries from local youth councils, front line practitioners are capacitated with intervention-oriented responses, advocating for policy changes in aspects of security.
  • 4,000 social media users (including parents, teachers, siblings and relatives) that will access information about program activities through regional exchange platforms/ hubs.

Main activities

  • Kick-off workshop among partners (update of calendar, WPs and roles)
  • Preparation of the “Skill development” training package
  • Organization of 8 Capacity building and career coaching workshops capital (distributed through partners)
  • Organization of a Football Program “Peace and reconciliation”
  • Organization of 8 Workshops for youth engagement in local decision making
  • Advocacy and technical support assistance to local Youth Councils in each country
  • NET platform of youth clubs and councils
  • Organize 4 regional events.
  • Perform a Regional Assessment about the impact and,
  • Organization of a Final Closing event

Related news: 

Peace and Resilience Football Program (Announcement)

Regional forum B&H (Announcement)


Mbi AFTËSITË E JETËS nëpërmjet sportit për të parandaluar krimin, dhunën, ekstremizmi e dhunshëm

Handbook of trainers for the development of life skills of vulnerable young people (Priručnik trenera/ica za razvoj životnih vještina ranjivih mladih)

Project web site: 
