Project Description and Purpose of the project: Roma Versitas Kosova learns to work in the prevention of violations of human security among minors in communities by raising awareness, education and vigilance intertwined with social and intercultural dialogue of the same age group.
Target Group and main beneficiaries:
– The primary target group is minors (girls and boys) of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
– The secondary target group is minors (girls and boys) who come from the Albanian and Serbian communities.
Main activities:
- One (1) educational video on human security made in Romani, Albanian and Serbian languages. The same will be launched on the social platforms of RVK’s partner organizations that are dedicated to the promotion of human rights, the same will be presented in activities for young people.
- Four (4) debates on the theme of human security, being elaborated by different segments of security with a multi-ethnic professional panel, organized in the four municipalities, the localities targeted by the project, where the audience will be young people.
- One (1) one-day training on safety, social and cultural dialogue, offered to minor youth from all communities, with the aim of increasing their capacities in the protection of safety among minors, preparing them to be mini -mentor of peers, source for identifying victims but also perpetrators of crimes, acts that harm human security in any form.