
Reporting Diversity Network

Implementing organizations: 

  • Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans, Lead applicant, Serbia
  • Albanian Woman in Audiovisual, Partner, Albania
  • Foundation for the development of media and civil society – Mediacentar, Partner, B&H
  • Kosovo Glocal, Partner, Kosovo
  • Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro, Partner, Montenegro
  • Association for the Advancement of Journalistic Practices INNOVATIVE MEDIA, Partner, North Macedonia

Summary of the project

The purpose of the RDN network has been to activate the role of civil society in counter-measuring the narratives of the divide and replacing them with much-needed positive discourse contributing to the value of good neighbouring relations and respect for diversity.

WB countries do have legal frameworks preventing hate, and supporting antidiscrimination, RDN uses the existing regulative in synergy with innovative methodology and campaigning to publicly uncover, expose and challenge the most frequent and exemplary misuse of media for conveying messages of fear, disrespect and hate towards “the others”. The project aims to provide more positive discourse and diminish the effects of narratives of divide.

Project goals

Overall goal (impact) is to empower civil society organizations and CSO networks to effectively contribute to restoring regional cohesion, respecting diversity and creating inclusive communities in the Western Balkans.

Specific objective(s) (outcomes) is to extend the influence of civil society organizations and CSO networks to counter and alternate public narratives shaping perceptions of ethnicity, religion, and gender in the Western Balkans.

Target groups and beneficiaries

  • 30 CSOs from across the region
  • 12 CSOs – RDN members
  • 50 journalists and media outlets
  • 50 policymakers and media regulators

Main activities

  • Three capacity building meetings/webinars
  • One Reporting Diversity Advanced Training
  • Media monitoring
  • Dissemination of monitoring findings in different formats
  • Five advocacy round tables
  • 60 counter narratives created by CSOs
  • Five national reporting diversity trainings for journalists
  • Media production with mentorship
  • Social and traditional media outreach campaign

Related news:

Monthly Monitoring Highlights January: racism, ethnic hatred and gender violence

Monthly Monitoring Highlights February: sexism, gender-based violence, anti-migrant rhetoric, ethnic discrimination, and hatred towards journalists

Monthly Monitoring Highlights March: ethnic hatred, sexism, hate towards journalists and political opponents

Monthly Monitoring Highlights April: femicides, genocide denials and hatred aimed towards journalists

Monthly Monitoring Highlights May: sexism and genocide denial

Monthly Monitoring Highlights June: Telegram groups, sexism and homophobia

Training on human rights, discrimination, and hate speech held for media representatives in Mokrin



The Balkan troll of the month, watch why Dr. Agani was chosen as a troll of the month

The Balkan troll of the month, Police brutality against LGBTIQ+ individuals that took place in Serbia

Have you had the chance to check out the data on hate speech in Albania?