
Platforma CiviKos

Summary of organization’s strategic orientation

CiviKos Platform is a voluntary union of civil society organizations committed to fostering cooperation between Civil Society and Public Authorities. Established in 2007, it has four main strategic objectives. The first is effective, transparent, and accountable management of the platform. The second is mobilizing member organizations through continuous interaction and quality services. The third is advancing the structured dialogue between civil society and public authorities. Lastly, it aims to promote the quality of CiviKos’ work and results as well as those of its member organizations. CiviKos Platform serves as a catalyst for change and collaboration in Kosovo’s civil society sector.

Beneficiaries and target groups:

Civil society organizations benefit from CiviKos Platform’s mobilization efforts and continuous interaction, which can lead to enhanced collaboration with public authorities. Public authorities benefit from the structured dialogue facilitated by CiviKos Platform, leading to better-informed decision-making and more effective policies. Citizens benefit from a more favorable environment for cooperation between civil society and public authorities.
Overall, CiviKos Platform’s work has the potential to create a positive impact on Kosovo’s civil society sector and contribute to the country’s overall development.