Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
TOKA’s mission is to accelerate social changes in Kosovo by investing in its youth. Our focus is that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds develop the capacities to become agents of positive change, through innovative educational methods and civic activism.
Since 2015, TOKA realizes its mission through:
1. Development and implementation of programs that develop the skills, employment and active citizenship of young people – over 25,000 young people served directly;
2. Building the capacity of Leaders who work with young people – over 300 teachers and trained youth workers, and more than 100 schools have participated in our programs;
3. Advocating for better policies and providing practical assistance in the fields of education and youth development – especially at the local level, but also at the central level.
Beneficiaries and target groups:
Direct beneficiaries include schools, young people and students. Other beneficiaries include policy makers and state institutions, young leaders,