Implementing organizations:
- Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER), Lead applicant, Serbia
- Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Partner, Montenegro
- Albanian Center for Economic Research, Partner, Albania
- Center for Economic Analysis, Partner, N. Macedonia
Summary of the project
The project will introduce good governance principles in public-private partnerships, enhancing participatory approach, transparency, accountability and effectiveness. Sustainable mechanisms for regional cooperation and collaboration will be created. On the regional level, the project will establish Regional Initiative for PPP gathering key decision makers in 4 WB countries: Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia. On the local level, project will launch Local forums for PPP in four pilot municipalities, assembling CSOs, public and private sector representatives and local authorities.
Project goals
Overall goal (impact) is to promote good governance principles in public-private partnership (PPP) projects in WB countries (specifically: Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia).
Specific objective (outcome) is to enhance participatory approach in PPP projects through increasing awareness of public on importance of active participation for making developing initiatives more transparent, accountable, effective, and sustainable.
Target groups and beneficiaries
- Decision makers from national level from 4 WB countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia) will increase their capacities for regional cooperation in the field of public-private partnerships.
- Local authorities from pilot municipalities in Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia will increase their capacities for to actively involve CSOs and public in dialogue and widespread consultation in different phases of PPP projects.
- CSOs from targeted countries will enhance their expertise for active participation in the PPP projects cycle.
- Citizens in targeted countries will be more informed about the possibilities of active participation and are given an opportunity to express their needs within the PPP projects on national and local level.
Main activities
Development of Regional initiative
- Establishment of a Regional Community for PPP;
- Organization of joint meetings of the Regional Community for PPP;
Policy development and Knowledge transfer
- Preparation of Analysis and policy briefs;
- Organization of Regional Conference;
- Organization of two study visits: Serbia and Norway;
Development of Local Forums for PPP
- Organization of workshops for the CSOs representatives on the local level;
- Establishment of local forums for PPP;
- Organization of working meetings of local forums for PPP;
Citizens Engagement
- Intensive media campaign;
- Project promotion.