Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
CA will provide support for the most vulnerable social groups: asylum seekers, persons deprived of their liberty, minorities, women, Roma, etc. CA will do the monitoring of the work of state and judicial institutions and public advocacy for changes in institutional and legal level.
The work of CA will also be focused on increasing capacities and empowering young leaders in politics, NGO sector, and media. Moreover, the focus will also be on strengthening capacities of women on local level in terms of gender equality and advocating women’s and human rights on local and national level.
Organization goal
- Empowering vulnerable groups, women and young leaders
- Monitoring of work of state institutions regarding the aspect of human rights and rule of law
Those that will benefit directly from the project are asylum seekers, persons deprived of their liberty, minorities, women, PWDs and Roma people. In addition, the final beneficiaries of the project are also state institutions, media and Montenegrin citizens.
Organization main activities
- Provision of free legal aid to asylum seekers to gain access to legal status and representing their rights through integration process
- Provision of free legal aid to persons enduring torture and persons deprived of their liberty
- Free legal aid to vulnerable groups such as Roma, PWDs, etc.
- Empowering, increasing capacities and improving position of women in society
- Increasing capacities of young leaders (politicians, NGO members, media)
- Monitoring of state institutions and contribution to increase of their capacities and transparency