Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
The CCE is one of the most relevant NGO in Montenegro, which has built its position during more than two decades of work through a principled, critical, and argumentative approach to decision-makers and institutions. The CCE has shown the capacity to react quickly, constructively, and consistently to current problems, which has strengthened its credibility and brought great trust of the citizens of Montenegro. In the areas of security and governance, numerous projects and initiatives have been carried out, among which the contribution to the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism through the research of this phenomenon in Montenegro, the strengthening of the capacity of educational institutions in addressing and preventing these phenomena through training and the creation of manuals, initiated a dialogue among different actors in society through public forums across the country, public reactions and speeches in the promotion of the importance of the topic and prevention. Through media literacy development programs, CGO works to strengthen the capacities of various target groups in the fight against misinformation and fake news, continuously advocates the application of media laws and their changes in order to contribute to the improvement of the overall environment for media work, and especially the transparency of media financing from public funds, addressing the protection of journalists at work, but also protection of citizens’ rights in relation to comments from the portal, development of media self-regulation, greater independence and plurality of the Public Service Council RTCG, etc.
In the next period, key strategic orientation will be:
- Strengthening the civic concept of society, civic education, and participation of citizens in social and political processes;
- Strengthening influence in the shaping of public policies and decision-making in the area of education, human rights and the accession negotiation process with the EU;
- Strengthening the organizational and analytical capacities of the organization;
- Development of sustainability strategy and action plan.
The following will benefit the most from the CCE’s activities:
- Youth, teachers, professors and educators whose capacities will be strengthened through the CCE’s informal education programs, as well as thematic seminars;
- Civil society organizations and media supported by CCE through various programs so that they, within their fields of activity and expertise, strengthen the transparency and responsibility of the authorities but also improve the quality of life of citizens;
- Public policymakers and decision-makers at the national and local level whose approach to good governance can be strengthened through dialogue and recommendations from civil society;
- Citizens of Montenegro in general, especially those less represented or marginalized, whose social activism will be encouraged.
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