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Forensics of Violent Extremism in the Digital environment

Summary of the project implemented by NGO JABiHEU

The project “Forensics of Violent Extremism in the Digital environment” tries to respond to emerging trends of violent extremism on digital media in Bosnia and Herzegovina that come from various sources and in various forms: (hate speech, misinformation, conflict, fake news, messages from religious/political leaders…). For the first time, the project brings together youth, CSOs, the media and fact-checkers, in identifying digital/online content that encourages violent extremism, tracking sources and investigating the motives and goals of those behind that content.

Project goals

  • General goal

To influence the cultural and social matrix of the violent of extremism in BiH by activating young people in building peace and security, and against conflict caused by the spread of hate speech, misinformation and violence on digital media in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Specific objective(s)

Increase the effectiveness of youth influence on changes violent environment by developing specific tools (digital media forensics for young people), education, sensitization of young people, CSOs and media and establishing cooperation with the authorities institutions through the exchange of information.


  • 150 directly involved young people
  • CSOs
  • Institutions of BiH with a focus on the Ministry of Security of BiH
  • Journalists and fact checkers

480,000 youth in BiH, public in WB and LEAs

Main activities

  • Consultative meetings with civil society organizations, journalists and fact checkers
  • Selection of young people
  • Organization of 6 trainings: 2 online, 4 in Tuzla, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar
  • Organization of 5 trainings in rural areas of Bihać, Zvornik, Zenica, Trebinje i Laktaši
  • Developing forensic tools for digital media content (social and online media) and applications Digital Forensic Workshop
  • A campaign to raise awareness about harmful/radical narratives that lead to violent extremism

Related news: 

The training taught young people in Mostar about the necessary skills to deal with the challenges of the modern digital age

Workshop Forensics of violent extremism in the digital environment, announcement, Sarajevo

Workshop Forensics of violent extremism in the digital environment, announcement, Sarajevo

Workshop Forensics of violent extremism in the digital environment, announcement, Tuzla