
GAC: Youth Media Literacy Training Held in Obiliq Municipality

As part of the media education project, a training session was held on July 22, 2023, for youth from the Municipality of Obiliq. The event was inaugurated by the GAC staff and included mentors from the youth groups as well as a translator for participants from diverse communities. The training featured Ms. Flutura Kusari, a legal advisor specializing in media law with the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom. Ms. Kusari brings extensive experience from her work with media, NGOs, and institutions, including the Council of Europe and the United Nations.

The training successfully met its objectives. It effectively raised awareness and fostered commitment to media education. Participants gained a thorough understanding of the key concepts, processes, elements, and actors involved in media education, along with the essential knowledge and skills. Additionally, the youth developed critical and analytical thinking abilities and learned to articulate and defend their perspectives with well-supported arguments.

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