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Synergy for good governance in local communities

Summary of the project implemented by Center for the Development of NGO (CRNVO)

Project „Synergy for good governance in local communities“ contributes to creating a conducive environment for active participation of civil society organizations and citizens in the decision-making processes at a local level, which, in turn, raises the confidence of the citizens in local self-governments and contributes to balanced regional development. The activity of citizens is key for development of the process of democratization in local municipalities. Civic participation has a special role in the countries still undergoing the process of transition and creation of a modern legal, political and economic system such as Montenegro. The main role of local municipalities is to fulfill the basic needs of the citizens, which have to be articulated clearly, first and foremost by the non-governmental organizations which represent the interests of their beneficiaries.

Project goals

Overall goal: Contribution to strengthening of participative democracy in Montenegro

Specific goal: Improved participation of non-governmental organizations and citizens in the process of creation, implementation and monitoring of local public policies


  • Non-governmental organizations in 25 municipalities (cca. 6000),
  • Public servants in 25 local municipalities in Montenegro (including the employees of local assemblies)
  • Citizens in 25 municipalities (cca. 500 000)

Main activities

  • Analysis of cooperation between NGOs and local municipalities
  • Informational Caravan
  • Promotion of participation of NGO representatives in the Assemblies’ work using the „Empty seat“ mechanism
  • Production of a video for promotion of mechanisms and participation of NGOs through local public and private broadcasters
  • Organizations of 3 one-day workshops for representatives of local municipalities on the legal framework pertaining to the civic and NGO participation at the local level
  • Organization of a round table discussion about the cooperation between local municipalities and NGOs
  • Production of a video for promotion of civic participation via local public and private broadcasters
  • Preparation of a targeted online campaign using visuals, infographics and videos

Related news: 

Information Caravan: 282 workshops participants in 11 cities of Montenegro (Available in Montenegrin language)

The “Free Chair” Institute as an instrument for active participation in decision-making (Available in Montenegrin language)