Reinforcing the role of media in addressing the climate emergency

Implementing organizations: 

  • Novi Sad School of Journalism, Lead applicant, Serbia
  • Albanian Media Institute, Partner, Albania
  • Foundation Mediacentar, Partner, BiH
  • Montenegro Media Institute, Partner, Montenegro
  • Macedonian institute for Media, Partner, North Macedonia

Summary of the project

Public in the region is poorly informed about climate crises and across all countries journalists have neither the proper knowledge nor the basic skills to cover this increasingly critical phenomenon. This project will make a meaningful contribution to tackling the climate crisis by employing our most successful media educational practices based in science and solutions journalism; advocating for extensive climate crisis media coverage while relying on the ample work of civil society and citizens’ networks to inform the media reporting on climate crises.

Project goals: 

Overall goal is to enhance professional media reporting on the climate crisis in the target countries.

Specific objective 1: To raise awareness and capacities among journalists and editors in the WB on the climate crises, the threat it poses to sustainable development in target countries and the urgency of the synchronized response on the regional level;

Specific objective 2: To strengthen the connections between citizens, CSOs active in the climate crises advocacy, experts and scientist, state and regional institutions with authority/mandate to develop and implement environmental policies and journalists/media;

Specific objective 3: To engage journalists in facts, science and solutions-based reporting on the climate crises, to question, investigate and monitor national governments’ and regional efforts to address the climate crises challenges.


Journalists and editors, representatives of public institutions, CSOs and activists, implementing partners

Main activities

Journalists’ knowledge empowerment

  • Learning methodology development; Workshops; Masterclasses

Reinforcing connections

  • Meet-ups; The three-day regional stakeholders’ summit

Supporting regional media production

Related news:

Training for journalists: Reporting on climate change

Climate change is here, but where is the media?